

Study on Influences on Working Memory Capacity and Maintaining by the Executive Function Training Under Different Emotional Feedbacks

【作者】 金云波

【导师】 许远理;

【作者基本信息】 信阳师范学院 , 发展与教育心理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 工作记忆能力是信息加工与问题解决中的一种基本能力,是认知能力的基础。它要求人类在信息加工的过程中不仅保持对加工信息的记忆,同时要求人类进行必要的运算。最新的研究发现工作记忆能力与流体智力存在紧密的关系,工作记忆能力强的个体的流体智力也比较高,通过认知训练可以提高个体的工作记忆能力,进而改善个体的智力。围绕工作记忆训练的研究在最近10年间兴起。那么如何进行工作记忆训练的研究,训练什么,怎么训练等问题对当代的研究人员提出来新的挑战。本研究试图从工作记忆理论模型的研究成果出发,结合当前对工作记忆模型研究的最新成果以及国内外工作记忆训练研究的最新成果展开。研究依据Baddeley等关于工作记忆三级系统的划分的思想,把工作记忆的核心系统——中央执行功能作为训练的内容,根据中央执行功能的抑制、转换和刷新三个子重要成分设计训练材料开展训练。研究在本校选择120名大一、二、三年级的学生通过前测验成绩对被试进行匹配分组,将被试分成实验组和对照组,其中对照组参与前测验与后测验,不参与任何训练任务,实验组分为积极情绪反馈组、消极情绪反馈组和无情绪反馈组3组,参与所有训练任务。每次训练结束后记录被试训练的成绩,整个训练结束后测量被试的工作记忆容量。最后采用统计软件Excel2003、Spssl7.0对实验数据进行分析。主要结论如下:第一,情绪反馈可能影响了被试的决策,进而导致被试反应方式上的变化。虽然方差分析没有发现不同反馈组之间存在显著差异,但是反应曲线的形态表明了消极反馈组被试、无反馈组被试都用追求“好成绩”,提高反应正确率的倾向,而积极组则可能保持原先的反应方式。第二,中央执行系统的主要功能经过训练,提高到了一定的程度。不同执行功能成分提高的幅度不同、达到稳定状态的需要的训练时间也不相同;不同执行功能成分训练的正确率达到稳定的时间与其反应时达到稳定状态的时间不一致,这对于以后进行反应时任务中把握练习结束的时间点与正式实验开始的时间点的选择产生一定的影响。第三,执行功能训练提高了训练组的工作记忆容量,表明了中央执行系统在工作记忆理论模型中所处的核心地位。第四,训练组提高的工作记忆容量能在较长的一段时间内得到保持。这说明了工作记忆在虽然是基本的认知能力,但是训练可以使其得到增强。结合工作记忆训练方面的最新研究成果——关于工作记忆与流体智力的关系的研究,表明工作记忆容量的改善可能对训练组被试基本的信息加工的能力有帮助。

【Abstract】 Working memory capacity is a basic ability in information processing and problem solving, and it is the basis of cognitive ability, which requires human beings to maintain the memory and to carry out the necessary operations while processing information. The latest research found that working memory capacity has much to do with fluid intelligence, that is, the individuals with higher working memory capacity has higher fluid intelligence. The individual’s working memory capacity can be improved by cognitive training so as to improve the individual’s intelligence. Studies around the training of working memory rose in the last10years. Therefore, how to study working memory training, what to train, how to train and other issues are becoming new challenges to contemporary researchers.This study attempts to research based on the theoretical model of working memory, the latest achievements of the current research on working memory models as well as the latest research on working memory training at home and abroad. According to Baddeley’s ideologically divised three systems of working memory, this study highlights the central executive function——the core system of working capability. Based on inhibition, Switching and Updating of the central executive function, the study designed training materials and then conducted training. The study was conducted among the selected120students from freshman to junior in our college, according to the score of pre-test and post-test matching and grouping, subjects were divided into experimental group and control group, control group was involved in the former test and post-test, did not participate in any training mission, the experimental groups were divided into a positive emotional feedback group, the negative emotional feedback group, and no emotional feedback group, the experimental groups participated in ail training tasks. Finally, by recording the score alter each training session and the results of trained working memory capacity after the whole training, the experimental data obtained from training was analysed by statistical software Excel2OO3and Spssl7.O. The main conclusions are as follows:first, the emotional feedback may affect the subjects’decision-making, which led to changes in the subjects react. Analysis of variance found no significantly differences among different feedback groups, but the shape of the response curve shows that both negative feedback group and no-feedback group once pursuited "the good results" so as to increase the correct reaction rates, and the positive group may keep the original reaction. Second, the main functions of the central executive system were trained to reach a certain extent. That is, the level of increase of different components were different, the training time to reach steady state is not the same; different executive function components training correct rate of stable time with their response time to reach a steady state is inconsistent. This effect the choice to grasp the time at the end of the practice in response task and the starting time of the officially experiment. Third, the executive function’s training improved working memory capacity of the training group, which indicates that the central executive system is the core status in working memory. Fourth, the improved working memory capacity in training groups could be hold for a longer period of time, which shows that working memory is the basic cognitive ability, but it can be enhanced through training. Combined the latest research on working memory training study on the relationship between working memory and fluid intelligence, indicates that the improved working memory capacity in the training group may be helpfulness to the basic information processing abilities.


