

【作者】 刘茜伦

【导师】 曲木铁西;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 民族传统体育是各民族在长期的生产和生活实践中创造出的一种独特的身体运动符号,是各民族政治、经济、文化生活的一种特殊反映,具有浓郁的民族特色和地域特色。如蒙古族的摔跤、彝族的跳火绳及羌族的推杠等,是一种综合性的运动,具有多重价值与作用。自2000年以来,中央民族大学等一批民族高等院校和普通学校,开设了少数民族传统体育课程。将民族传统体育引入高校体育教学中来,有利于民族传统体育的保护、传承与发展,有利于完善和丰富体育教学内容,有利于促进当代大学生身心健康水平的提高,还有利于培养大学生终身体育的思想观念。同时,高校民族传统体育教学中也存在课程内容不够丰富、教学时数较少、教学模式有待改善、大学生参与状况不容乐观、缺乏系统的教材与专业教师等问题。拓展训练是一种在特定情境中,学生亲身参与团队动态活动,以培养学生良好的心理品质、改善身体素质,提高学生综合素质能力为目的的体验式教学模式。拓展训练具有直接体验、感悟和反思、综合性活动、难度挑战、团队协作与个体发展和虚拟情境的特点。在课程中,学生处于“绝对主体地位”,而教师处于“主导辅助地位”。拓展训练从2002年开始真正走进校园,现如今已经有越来越多的高校都在体育教学中开设了拓展训练的相关课程。同时,拓展训练也面临着课程内容陈旧的困难。一方面,具有丰富文化内涵的民族传统体育因在高校教学中遇到问题而进展缓慢;另一方面,拓展训练因教学形式新颖而展现出巨大影响力,同时它也面临着活动内容更新的难题。笔者认为后者为高校民族传统体育的发展提供了一个新的视角和路径。本文从教学目的、教学内容和教学形式三方面展开分析。拓展训练与民族传统体育的教学目标,都符合教学指导纲要中的要求,它们的方向是一致的,这奠定了二者相互结合的基础。从内容这一角度来看,民族传统体育和拓展训练之间有着相似性,并且有相互结合的可能性,但应注意的是不能生拉硬扯,要根据二者的特点寻找恰当的突破点。从教学方式角度来看,许多学者对民族传统体育的教学方式进行了针对性的研究,至今也已经提出了一些新的教学方式,而拓展训练的体验式教学方式也是一个值得探索的突破角度。笔者首先分别研究整理民族传统体育和拓展训练在高校体育教学中的开展现状和理论研究成果。梳理各种拓展训练教学模型,确定不同教学模型之间的共同要素。在此基础上,概括出高校体育拓展训练教学的一般化教学模型。然后,在《全国普通高等学校体育教学指导纲要》(2002)的指导下,根据民族传统体育项目特征,结合高校拓展训练一般化教学模型,整合设计出包含教学目标、内容筛选原则、教学流程、教学评价设计和教师与学生角色在内的民族传统体育拓展体育教学模式,并选择适当的民族体育项目,设计教学案例。接着,根据民族体育拓展教学的目的,明确测验目标,选择实验对象,确定实验方法,设计测验工具。在开展教学实验之后,用测验工具搜集数据,最后做出分析、总结和展望。

【Abstract】 The traditional ethnic minority sports are unique body movement symbols produced in the long period of Chinese production practice and life practice. They are special reflections of the political, economic, and cultural life of the ethnic minorities, with strong ethnic characteristics and geographical features. They are comprehensive sports with multiple values and function, such as Mongolian Ethnic Group Wrestling, Yi Ethnic Group Jump Matchlock and Qiang Ethnic Group Push bar.Since2000, a number of universities, such as Minzu University of China, have offered many traditional ethnic minority sports courses. Taking traditional ethnic minority sports into college physical education is helpful to protecting, inheriting and developing traditional national sports, improving college sports teaching content, promoting the improvement of the physical and mental health of contemporary college students, as well as training their lifelong bodybuilding ideas. At the same time, there are problems about the traditional ethnic minority sports in teaching, such as the content and class hours are not rich enough, the teaching model needs to be improved, the university students’ participation are not optimistic, the lack of textbooks and professional teachers.Outward bound training is a kind of experiential education in which students personally participate in team dynamics in a particular context, in order to cultivate the students’psychological quality and improve physical fitness. Outward bound training has these characteristics:direct experience, understanding and reflection, combination of activities, challenge of difficulties, teamwork, individual development, and virtual context. In the course, students are in "absolute dominant position", teachers are in a "the auxiliary position". Outward bound training has been formal courses in colleges since2002. Nowadays, more and more colleges and universities have opened to expand the training courses with this kind of teaching Model. However, it is in trouble with the out-of-date teaching content.On the one hand, the traditional ethnic minority sports, which has a rich cultural connotation, is making a slow progress because of the problems encountered in college teaching. Outward bound training, on the other hand, is showing great influence due to new forms of teaching. However, it also has trouble with the content update problem. I believe that the latter provide a new perspective and path for the development of the traditional ethnic minority sports in universities.This paper develops analysis from three major aspects:educational purposes, teaching content and model. The teaching purposes of outward bound training and the traditional ethnic minority sports are in line with the requirements of the Teaching Guidelines, which laid the basis for the two combined. From the view of content, there are similarities and possibilities of integration between traditional ethnic minority sports and the outward bound. However, we should notice that it is useless to dragged them together too hard. We should find the appropriate key according to the characteristics of the two to make break points. From the perspective of teaching methods, many scholars have made targeted research on the teaching of traditional ethnic minority sports, and proposed a number of new teaching methods. The experiential education model of outward bound training is a breakthrough worth exploring.First, I tried to organize theoretical research findings of the traditional ethnic minority sports and outward bound training in College Physical Education, sort out various outward bound teaching models, and then determined the common and key elements among the different models. On basis of that, I summarized a general teaching model of outward bound training in universities. Then, under the guidance of the National College Physical Education Teaching Guidelines (2002), based on the features of traditional ethnic minority sports and combined with the generalized teaching model of outward bound training in universities, I designed a teaching Model called Ethnic Minority Sports Teaching in Outward Bound Training(MSTIOBT).It is contained with teaching objectives, content filtering principle, class process, teaching evaluation, and the roles of teachers and students, and then chose proper items of ethnic minority sports, designed teaching cases. After that, according to teaching objectives of the Ethnic Minority Sports-Outward Bound Training, I defined experiment objectives, selected participants, determined the experimental methods, and designed assessment tools. Carried out the teaching experiment, I collected data with assessment tools, and finally made the analysis, gave concluding remarks and possible future.


