

【作者】 徐唯燊

【导师】 张冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 区域经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 1994年以来的分权改革是中国政府治理结构的重要变迁,地方政府为地区的经济发展和就业水平的提升做出了重要贡献。但是在分权改革的进程中,由于地方政府对市场的过度干预,产生了区域行政垄断这种特殊现象,地方政府一方面对跨地区的市场竞争进行干预和替代,另一方面通过行政权力对区域内市场配置资源进行限制和干预,这限制了市场优化资源配置机制的发挥,带来了要素配置的扭曲和福利的损失。区域行政垄断造成统一市场在一定程度上被地方政府依行政区域进行了隐形的分割,产业布局和集聚均受到严重的抑制,不利于地区比较优势的发挥和专业化分工的形成,更无法实现规模经济,还导致了产业同构的问题。产业是联系宏观经济和微观主体的中观概念,地区产业的形成和发展是地区经济发展的本质。因此,区域行政垄断对地区产业发展的影响在很大程度上反映了区域行政垄断对地区经济发展的影响。本文从地方政府干预市场经济正常运行决策的动机入手,分析区域行政垄断的形成根源。在此基础上,从整体上分析区域行政垄断对产业竞争方面的影响,并通过构建易于计算的指标,衡量区域产业竞争力,对其与区域行政垄断指标进行回归分析,以对理论分析进行实证检验。最后提出消除区域行政垄断的政策建议。本文对区域行政垄断进行了理论分析,根据完全信息静态博弈解释了区域行政垄断的形成根源,并论述了区域行政垄断的特征、实现方式和其与行业行政垄断的差异,然后使用消费者剩余和生产者剩余研究了区域行政垄断的社会福利损火,进而利用区域行政垄断指数对本章的理论分析进行了经验检验。在此基础上,本文分析了地区产业竞争力的内涵和影响因素,论述了区域行政垄断对产业竞争力的作用机理,并计算地区产业竞争力指数对2000—2003和2005—2008年的地区产业竞争力水平进行衡量,进而利用OLS回归分析对本章的理论分析进行实证检验。最后,本文从推进行政管理体制改革深化财税体制改、推进国l有企业和国有资产管理体制改革、建立区域合作与协调机制和加强法律体系建设五个方面给出消除区域于政垄断的政策建议。

【Abstract】 The decentralization reform since1994is one of the most important changes of the governance structure in China, local governments have made important contributions to the regions’economic development and employment levels to enhance. But in the process of the decentralization reform, due to the local governments’excessive interventions of markets, the regional administrative monopoly has appeared. Local governments intervene and replace the cross-regional competitions in the markets, on the other hand, restrict the markets allocations of the resources in the regions by the administrative powers. It limits the market to optimize resource allocation and makes a factor allocation distortion and welfare loss. The regional administrative monopoly causes recessive market segmentation due to the zone by the local government. The industrial layout and aggregation are subject to severe inhibition. It is not conducive to the formation of area’s comparative advantage to play and specialize or can not achieve economies of scale, but lead to the industry isomorphism. Industry is a middle concept which combines macroeconomics with microeconomics. The formation and development of the regional industry are the nature of the region’s economic development. Therefore, the regional administrative monopoly on industrial development largely reflects the impact of economic development. Beginning with the decision-making motive of local government of interfering with the normal operation of the market economy, this article analyzes the root causes of regional administrative monopoly. On the basis, the paper analyzes the impact of the regional administrative monopoly on the industrial efficiency and measures the regional industrial efficiency by building easily calculated indicators, and then makes a regression analysis to verify the theory. Finally, the article gives the policy recommendations to eliminate regional administrative monopoly.The paper makes a theoretical analysis to the regional administrative monopoly. It begins with complete information static game to explain the formation of regional administrative monopoly, and then analyze the regional administrative monopoly’s characteristics, ways and the differences between the regional administrative monopoly and the industrial administrative monopoly, and then use the consumer surplus and producer surplus to calculate social welfare losses, finally use the regional administrative monopoly index to verify the theoretical analysisOn the basis, the article analyzes the content and impact factors of industrial competitiveness in the region. It discusses the influence mechanism of the regional administrative monopoly on industrial competitiveness and calculates the regional industrial competitiveness index on2000-2003and2005-2008. Finally the article makes an OLS regression analysis to test the theoretical analysis. Finally, the author gives policy recommendations to eliminate regional administrative monopoly by pushing forward the reform of the administrative system, deepening fiscal and tax reform, promoting state-owned enterprises and state-owned assets management system, establishing the regional cooperation and coordination mechanism and strengthening the legal system.


