

【作者】 李琛

【导师】 冯彦明;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,全球变暖的趋势更加明显,减少碳排放已经成为一个十分紧迫的国际问题。中国经过30年的改革开放,通过大量消耗资源、能源,破坏环境来实现经济增长的粗放式发展方式受到的限制越来越多,迫切需要进行经济转型。河北省作为一个工业尤其是高耗能产业占经济比重较大的省份,发展低碳经济的优劣势以及具体路径,是一个亟待解决的理论问题、对中国发展低碳经济具有重要的现实意义。低碳经济是在气候变暖速度加快,能源危机加剧以及可持续发展逐渐被人们接受的背景下产生的。本文分析了河北省低碳经济发展的理论和现实意义。目前,国内外对于低碳经济的研究涵盖了低碳经济概念、实现路径、与经济增长的关系等。在分析和总结了国内外有关低碳经济发展的研究后,对低碳经济这一概念的内涵进行了规定,并分析了其依据的相关理论。接下来,本文描述了河北省的经济状况以及低碳经济发展的现状。低碳经济发展的关键是降低碳排量和碳排放强度。Kaya模型将碳排放分解为不同的影响因素,并确定各自之间的关系. LMDI是能源研究中常用的方法,可以分析每个因素各自对总量的影响程度。本文利用河北省的能源消费数据计算得到1980-2010年问的碳排放量。根据Kaya(?)河北省碳排放影响因素分为排放强度、能源强度、经济发展和人口规模四个方面,利用LMDI方法分析了每个因素对于河北省碳排放量变动的影响程度及原因。根据河北省低碳经济发展的现状和“碳排放”的分解结果,本文分析了河北省低碳经济发展目前而临的挑战,包括能源结构、经济发展转型、技术水平、人口因素以及产业结构等方面。最后一部分,总结全文,针对上述问题,提出了促进河北省低碳经济发展的相关措施,包括调整经济结构、能源结构低碳化发展、促进低碳相关的技术创新、建立低碳经济政策体系、广泛宣传低碳理念以及积极增加“碳汇”等。

【Abstract】 Since2000, Climate warming is more obvious, so reducing carbon emissions has become a very pressing international issues. The need for economic transition become quite urgent. As the industry especially the high energy-consuming industries accounting for a larger proportion of economy, the advantages and disadvantages as well as specific path of Hebei’s development of low carbon economy is a theoretical problems to be resolved in China. The development also has important real sense.The background of Low carbon economy is the climate warming, energy crisis and that sustainable development has been accepted. At present, the domestic and foreign research for low carbon economy covers the conception of low carbon economy, implementation path, and the relationship with economic growth. On the analysis and summary of the domestic and foreign development of low carbon economy research, this article defines the connotation of low-carbon economy, and analyzes its dependence theory. Next, the article describes the economic situation of Hebei province and the present situation of the development of low carbon economy.The key to the development of low carbon economy is reducing the amount and intensity of carbon emissions. Kaya model divides carbon emissions into different influencing factors, and determine their relationships. LMDI is commonly used in analysis of energy consumption, and it can analyze the respectively impact of each factor on the total impact. The article uses the data the energy consumption from1980to2010to calculate carbon emissions. According to Kaya model, the carbon emissions in Hebei province could be divided into intensity of carbon emissions, energy intensity, economic development and population size, and then using LMDI method to analyze the degree and reason of each factor for carbon emissions changes of Hebei Province.According to the present situation of development of low-carbon economy in Hebei province and the decomposition of the carbon emissions, this article has analyzed the challenges of Hebei’s development of low carbon economy, including the structure of the energy, economic development, technology level, demographic factors and industrial institutions etc. In the last part, as a summary of the full text, in order to solve the problems above, this article put forward related measures to promote development of low carbon economy, including the adjustment of economic structure, energy structure, promote technology innovation of low carbon, build a low carbon relevant policy system, widely publicized the idea of low carbon and positively increase " carbon sink".

【关键词】 低碳经济KayaLMDI河北
【Key words】 Low-carbon economyKayaLMDIHebei

