

【作者】 李伟

【导师】 王纪芒;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 公共管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济发展和利益格局的调整,经济全球化、社会复杂化和信息网络化已成为趋势,在此背景下,各类突发性公共危机事件也日益增多,公共危机已成为公共管理中不可回避的重大挑战。突发性公共危机事件,不仅是社会矛盾的集中反映,也是经济转型、社会转型和思想转型的集中体现,是目前我国构建和谐社会必须从容应对的重大问题。近年来,突发性公共危机事件频发,在某些领域和个别地区甚至成为了一种比较严重的社会问题。政府作为公共政策的制定者、公共事务的管理者和公共服务的提供者,如何提升应对危机能力,及时有效地处理各类事件,最大限度的减少和降低公共危机可能给社会带来的危害,已成为政府管理面临的重要课题。在具体工作实践中我们也发现,在突发公共事件中,人们的危机意识是突发公共事件管理的起点,关系着突发公共事件处理的成败。在突发公共事件中最可怕的不是突发公共事件本身对社会的破坏力,而是人们事不关己,高高挂起的心态。另外,政府在管理突发公共事件过程中也没有成熟的危机理念,对突发公共事件的管理,不是采取一种独特的管理方式,而是仅仅当做一种日常简单管理,随其发生而再应对。另外,对突发公共事件的认识不够,对突发公共事件是否发生及对社会的破坏力还存在侥幸心理,认为概率不大,没有从心理上去重视。因此,一旦爆发突发公共事件,将对人们的日常生活和经济的发展造成严重的后果。一些大的公共危机事件,往往是由突发性事件演变而来,因此,如何正确处理突发性事件,预防突发事件转化为公共危机事件,既是现实工作和生活的需要,也是实现社会长治久安的根本要求。目前,国内外众多学者均不同程度地涉猎突发性公共危机事件研究,对突发性公共危机事件成因和处置的研究成果颇丰,但对突发性公共危机事件预防机制建设和预防小的突发事件向突发性公共危机事件转换的问题,缺少专门地、深入地专题探讨和分析。各级管理机关在执法及提供公共服务过程中,也缺少对小的突发性事件的防控研究与关注,没有总结出规律,提出一些相应的处置措施。因此,从理论上研究如何认识、如何应对、如何化解这些突发性事件,发现其中的规律,指导最基层执法部门依法处置、有效应对,从而制止事件的蔓延、控制事态的发展,是非常有必要的。本文拟围绕近年来河南省内发生的一些突发性公共危机事件进行讨论,以这些事件为切入口,从公共危机管理的相关理论内涵入手,通过对这些事件的多层度研究,包括对其内容的解释、产生的原因、解决的对策以及处理中的重要问题进行分析,以寻找解决预防和控制突发性危机事件发生的对策和办法。

【Abstract】 With the adjustment of economic development and the pattern of interests, economic globalization, social complexity and the information network has become a trend in this context, all kinds of unexpected public crises are also increasing, public crisis has become the public administration can not be evade a major challenge. The unexpected public crises, not only is the concentrated reflection of the social contradictions, but also economic transformation, social transformation and ideological transformation of a concentrated expression of China to build harmonious society to calmly deal with major issues. In recent years, the sudden public crisis events happen frequently, and even become a serious social problem in some areas and individual areas. As public policy makers, managers of public affairs and public service providers, how to improve the response to the crisis ability to promptly and effectively handle all types of events, to minimize and reduce the public crisis may harm to society, has become an important issue facing the government.We also found in the specific work practices, in public emergencies, people’s sense of crisis is the starting point of the management of public emergencies, the relationship between the success or failure of public emergencies handled. In public emergencies, however, is not the most terrible of public emergencies themselves to society’s destructive power, but the people had nothing to do, inaccessible mentality. In addition, the Government in the process of managing public emergencies mature concept of crisis management of public emergencies only as a simple routine management, rather than adopting a unique management style, but with its occurrence and then respond to. Public emergencies is not enough understanding of public emergencies occur and destructive to society there are still chances that the probability of small, up from the psychological great importance. Therefore, once the outbreak of public emergencies, would be the people’s daily lives and economic development have serious consequences. Public crises, often by unexpected events evolved, how to properly handle unexpected events, the prevention of emergencies conversion to public crises, both real work and life needs, but also to achieve long-term stability a fundamental requirement.At present, many scholars at home and abroad were studied under unexpected public crises causes of unexpected public crises and disposal of research has yielded fruitful results, but construction of unexpected public crises prevention mechanisms and prevention of small emergency conversion to the unexpected public crises, lack of specialized, in-depth topics explored and analyzed.Administrative authorities at all levels in law enforcement and public service delivery process, the lack of prevention and control research and attention on the small unexpected event, not summed up the law, and to propose appropriate measures to deal with. Therefore, theoretically study how to understand how to deal with how to resolve these unexpected events, and spot patterns to guide the most basic law enforcement agencies to dispose of according to law, to respond effectively, in order to halt the spread of the event, control the development of the situation is very necessary.This paper around in recent years, Henan Province, some unexpected public crises to discuss these events as the entry point to start theoretical connotation from the public crisis management, multi-layer study of these events, including its interpretation of the content, the causes of the countermeasures, and to deal with important issues analyzed to find a solution to the prevention and control strategies and methods for sudden crises occurred.

【关键词】 预防控制突发性公共危机事件
【Key words】 preventioncontrolunexpected public crises
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【下载频次】121

