

【作者】 徐鹤凤

【导师】 李林森;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族医学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨植物寄生类彝药的药性和功效。方法:借鉴中药药性和临床应用理论,采用文献数据整理与挖掘的方法,对彝医药现存医籍——《彝药志》、《聂苏诺期》、《彝族医药》等十余部文献中记载的26种常用植物寄生类彝药进行四气、五味、功效、主治等药性理论的探讨和应用规律的总结。结果:植物寄生类彝药有50种,有药性理论记载仅为26种。①四气:四气以温性居多,寒、凉类次之,平性再次之,无热性药。具体频数为温性药有6种,寒、凉性各有5种,平性为4种,无热性药物。温性>寒性=凉性>平性>热性。②五味:五味有单味、两味及三味的组合,其中单味以苦味最多,无咸味药。两味以苦涩味最多,三味包括酸苦涩、苦辛涩。单味为苦>辛=涩=淡。苦味有6种,辛、涩、淡各1种;两味组合为苦涩>苦辛=酸苦=酸涩,苦涩的有7种,苦辛、酸苦、酸涩各1种;三味组合为酸苦涩、苦辛涩各1个。从五味的角度,含苦味>含涩味>含辛味=含酸味>含甘味=含淡味>含咸味。其中含苦味的16种,含涩味11种,含辛味、含酸味各3种,含甘味、含淡味各1种,无含咸味药物。③毒性及其他方而:仅金刚钻寄生和马桑树寄生有毒。药物的归经、升降沉浮、炮制等理论缺乏文献记载。④功效:从八纲辨证的表里角度分析,植物寄生类彝药以“治里”药为主;从寒热角度分析,以“清热”药为主;从虚实角度分析,以“祛实”药为主。常用功效以清热解毒;祛风除湿;补益;活血为主。清热解毒>祛风除湿>补益>活血。⑤应用:多内服,用量在10~30g,主要应用在内科、外科和妇科三方面。主治疾病主要为尿路感染、风湿、不孕症、虚劳、外伤、腰痛等。结论:已知的植物寄生类彝药大部分无毒,其药性主要为性温和寒凉、味苦或苦涩。该类药主要功效为清热解毒、祛风除湿、补益活血。临床常用剂量为10-30g,多内服,可单方或复方使用。目前有二十余种植物寄生类彝药无药性及临床应用论记载,有待于进步的挖掘和整理。

【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the properties and effect of plant parasitic Yi medicine.Method:To use Chinese medicinal herb properties and clinical drug application theory, by means of literature data and mining methods, on the Yi medicine documented in the literature of Yi medicine existing medical books-"Yi medicine Zhi","Nie Sun Nuo Qi","Yi medicine"and so on more than10medical literature commonly used plant parasitic resistance theory of Yi nationality medicine for discussion and application rule summary.Results:Plant parasitic class of Yi nationality medicine has50, with only26documented resistance theory.①Four property:the number of warm natured drugs is most in four property, the following is cold or cool, ping is least and no hot natured drugs. Specific frequency is warm medicine6, cold and cool each have5, flat4, no heat drugs. Warm>cold=cool>ping>hot in frequency of four property.②Five tastes:five taste has single, two taste and three flavor combinations, including single flavor with bitter most, no saline medicine. Most in two taste is bitter astringent. Three flavor combinations have acid hot bitter astringent and bitter hot astringent. In single taste bitter>hot=tringent=thin. Bitter has6, hot,astringent and light each1; two kinds of combinations for bitter astringent>bitter hot=acid bitter=acid astringent,bitter astringent has7, bitter hot,acid bitter and acid each1; three taste of acid bitter astringent and bitter hot astringent each one. From the angle of five tastes constitute bitter>astringent>hot=acid>sweet=thin>saline.The number of medcinal herbs composing bitter taste is16, including astringency11, including hot and acid each3, including sweet and thin each one, no drug containing saline.③Toxicity and other aspects:only Euphorbia antiquorum L. and Coriaria sinica Maxim are toxic. The discussion on the nature of Chinese material medica such as actions of lifting, lowering, floating, and sinking, processing lacks of literature documenting.④Effects:from the point of eight principal syndromes,from the international perspective, the main plant parasitic Yi medicine are in medcine;form cureing chills or fever,the main are qingre drugs;from the xu and shi,the main are qushi drugs.The main effect is heat clearing and detoxicating,qufengchushi,nourishing and activating blood circulation and so on.heat clearing and detoxicating>qufengchushi>nourishing> activating blood circulation⑤Application:The application of multiple oral administration, dosage:10-30g, mainly used in medical, surgical and gynecological three aspects. Attending disease mainly for urinary tract infections, rheumatism, infertility, consumptive, trauma,lower back pain and so on.Conclusion:Most of plant parasitic medicinal known are non-toxic, their four property warm,cold,cool,five tastes bitter or bitter astringent. This main effect is heat clearing and detoxicating, qufengchushi, nourishing and activating blood circulation. Therapeutic oral dose is10-30g, many taken orally, can unilaterally or compound use.Now there are more than twenty species of parasitic Yi medicine without the theory of resistance and clinical application recorded, which need to be further excavation and finishing.

【关键词】 彝药寄生药性应用
【Key words】 Yi medicineparasiticmedicinal potencyapplication

