

【作者】 张杰

【导师】 邹龙妹;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 法律, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 国际商事仲裁临时保全措施是国际商事仲裁中的重要内容,对国际商事仲裁的顺利进行有着不可替代的作用和意义。目前,各国国内法和国际仲裁机构的仲裁规则以及《国际商事仲裁示范法》中对临时保全措施制度的某些方面的规定逐步走向协调统一,而与此相反的是我国当前的立法仍旧处在较为传统和保守的模式中。为了我国国际商事仲裁事业的发展,本文结合我国当前的实践状况与国际社会中的普遍立法,找出了我国国际商事仲裁临时保全措施需要完善的方面,并试图提出一些建议以期对其进行完善。为了便于分析,本文首先界定了临时保全措施的称谓和定义以及在国际商事仲裁中的价值意义。尔后以我国国际商事仲裁临时保全措施的基本规定为出发点,简要分析了我国当前立法中存在的主要问题,即临时保全措施的发布主体、种类、仲裁前临时保全措施以及域外执行等方面存在的不足,紧接着通过第二至四章的内容提出我国立法中应该努力的方向和途径的浅显建议。具体来说,第二章是在发布主体方面阐述了我国法院专属权力模式的弊端,然后结合各国国内法和国际机构仲裁规则的规定提出我国立法中应试图借鉴国际社会中普遍采纳的并存权力模式赋予法院和仲裁庭两个主体的发布决定权,并对二者之间的具体权限划分作了进一步分析。第三章针对我国仲裁前临时保全措施的缺失和仅有“财产保全”和“证据保全”两种保全措施种类的现状,从当事人利益的完褴性保护等方面探讨了这些情形下的现实堃境,并建议增设仲裁前临时保全措施制度和行为保全类的临时措施。第四章分析了国际商事仲裁临时保全措施价值实现的最后一个关节——域外执行,即分析了临时保全措施域外执行的国际状况,然后结合我国当前实际提出完善的途径和方向。本文最后在结语部分对我国国际商事仲裁临时保全措施的完善以期最终促进国际商事仲裁事业的发展进行了展望和期待。

【Abstract】 Interim measures of protection in international commercial arbitration are very important, which contributes to the international commercial arbitration development with no other alternatives. Different provisions about interim measures of protection system show a tendency of being the same currently, according to the legal articles in different countries, arbitration rules of international institutions, and rules of UNTITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, however, the related regulations in China are still limited by the traditional and conservative legislation model. In order to the development of international commercial arbitration career in China, and based on our country’s practical situation and the common regulations in the international society, this article analyzes the defects of interim measures of protection, and tries to provide some useful advice.Considering the convenience of analysis, this article firstly defines the interim measures of protection, and analyzes the value of the interim measures of protection as followed. Then, this article tries to find out the main defects of legislative and institutional arbitration rules in China, i.e. the lacking in the release, categories, time and extra-territorial implementation of the interim measures of protection. According to the foregoing research, this article provides some plain advice focusing on the development of legislative rules of China from chapter2to chapter four.Specifically, the second chapter mains on the disadvantages of the court as the only authority of the release, then connecting with the rules of many countries and international arbitration institutions, suggests that our country should cite the international common model of double powers, i.e. to award the decision power of release to the court and arbitral court, and researches deeply on the division of specific power. The third chapter, based on the absence of applying for the interim measures of protection before the arbitration and the just two measures of protection, i.e. property protection and proof protection, researches on the practical difficulties from the whole protection for the parties, and suggests to add the system of supplying for the interim measures of protection before arbitration and the type of action protection measures. The fourth chapter analyzes the last step of realizing the value of international commercial interim measures of protection, i.e. the enforcement of extraterritorial. This chapter actually researches the international situation of extraterritorial enforcement, and then provides some advice for the development on the basis of the current practice. In the conclusion part, this article expects the perfect development of international commercial interim measures of protection in China which could contribute to the international commercial arbitration career.

  • 【分类号】D997.4
  • 【下载频次】159

