

【作者】 张冀南

【导师】 何俊芳;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族社会学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 就业是民生之本,促进就业是改善民生的大事情。在我国城市化的过程中,产生了一类既不同于农民也不同于城镇居民的特殊群体——失地农民。和拥有相似社会资本的就业人群相比较,失地农民就业竞争力更低,就业形势更加严峻。对失地农民就业问题的研究,将有利于对失地农民就业现状和就业趋势进行总结和分析,进而对城市化进程中所出现的失地农民就业难问题的解决有所助益,并将为我国建设社会主义新农村等工作提供对策支持。而对于民族区域失地农民就业问题的专题研究,不仅能为学界及相关部门了解该类区域失地农民的就业状况提供参考个案,也能为当地政府制定有针对性的促进就业策略提供对策依据及参考意见。常营回族乡是北京市近郊区的民族乡,其地域和发展状况极具特殊性和典型性,它不是完全城市化的民族乡,也区别于远离城区的其他民族乡,而是属于被城市扩展逐渐吸收的民族聚居区,这就为研究处于城市边缘的民族聚居区的失地农民就业现状提供了资源。本文主要以问卷调查和深度访谈资料为依据,在对常营回族乡失地农民的就业分布、现状、满意度及就业需求进行描述的基础上,分析了常营回族乡失地农民就业难存在的具体原因,并就如何促进城市化进程中当地少数民族失地农民的就业提出了一些对策和建议。

【Abstract】 Our government has been to promote employment in the first place in economic and social development, promoting employment is a big deal for improving people’s life.In the process of our country’s urbanization, a new special group which is neither the farmer with land nor is the citizen in the city has been formed--landless peasants.Compare to other groups with the similar social capital,the landless peasants lack of competitive strength,so it is harder for them to find jobs. Research on the problems of hunting jobs of landless peasants will help us summarize and analyze the current situation and the tendency in the job hunting process of the landless peasants,then we can improve and solve the job hunting problem which have emerged in the rural urbanization,provide measure support for building a new countryside.Among them,the study of rural areas urbanization in nationality area is even more important.Only after research on the job hunting situation of landless on nationality area,then We can evaluate the situation and form useful suggestions for the policy of promoting getting jobs.As the township of nationality in Beijing’s suburd area,ChangYing township of nationality has the representative district position and development.It is different from township of nationality fully urbanization,also from other the townships of nationality which far away from the town.It belongs to the nationality area town gradually absorb the expansion of urbanization,So it provides resources in the study of the hunting jobs of the landless peasants by nationality area urbanization process.The essay investigated the job hunting situation,the level of job satisfaction and requirement of landless peasants of the Minzu Jiayuan community in ChangYing township of nationality by questionaire and deep interview,describe the current situation of the job getting of local landless peasants,then analyze the reason why hard for them to get a job and why they are not satisfied.Futhermore provide the solutions and suggestions on the promoting job getting of the landless peasants in nationality area.

【关键词】 常营回族乡城市化失地农民就业
【Key words】 ChangYingurbanizationlandless peasantshunting forjobs

