

【作者】 赵恒

【导师】 申喜连;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高校改革的逐步推进,高校人事制度改革也在不断深化,薪酬制度作为高校人事制度的重要组成部分,其改革直接影响教师的工作积极性,关系到教师的个人价值与高校的战略价值的实现,对国家未来人才的培养和社会经济发展产生重要的影响,因此,高校教师薪酬制度改革对高校具有非常重要的现实意义,文章综合运用经济学与管理学角度下的薪酬理论与方法,较为全面地研究了高校薪酬制度改革的有效性问题。本文首先回顾了自新中国成立以来高校薪酬制度的历史沿革,结合历史发展分析了当前高校教师薪酬制度的现状及存在的问题,主要包括薪酬水平市场竞争力不强、考核体系不科学、激励作用体现不够、薪酬结构严重失衡以及不同学科专业间薪酬没有差别等,同时对存在的各种问题的成因作了相应的分析。其次,文章借鉴了国外高校教师薪酬制度的经验,对我国高校薪酬改革的重要性和改革的关键点进行了深入的探讨,认为改革的关键点应当符合高校教师的职业特点,在此关键点的基础上设计高校教师薪酬体系。高校教师薪酬体系的设计是本文的重点,介绍了薪酬体系模式的类别,在对各模式对比分析的基础上最终确定绩效薪酬体系模式作为我国高校教师薪酬体系模式,同时对绩效薪酬体系的设计原则和设计内容作了较深入的分析和阐述,认为应当从绩效计划、绩效评价和绩效反馈三方面入手进行设计,通过完善绩效考核指标、实施公平公正的考核和及时反馈考核结果来实现高校薪酬制度改革的目标。

【Abstract】 With the gradually improvement of the colleges reform, the personnel system reform is also deep-going, as an important component of the personnel system reform, Salary system reform is directly influent teachers’enthusiasm, and in relation to the realization of teachers’ personal value and university’s strategic value, at the same time, have important influence on the national future talent cultivation and social economic development, therefore, the college teacher’s salary system reform has very important practical significance in university reform, The paper has comprehensive research on validity of university salary system reform by use of economics and management salary theory and method.Firstly, this paper reviews college’s salary system history since the new China was founded, Combined with historical development, analysis the present situation and the existence question of college teachers’salary system which includes the weak salary market competitiveness, the evaluation is not scientific, incentive effect is not enough, the salary structure reflects imbalance and the salary has no difference between different majors, At the same time, the paper analysis the reason of the kinds of problems. Secondly, the article use foreign university teachers’ salary system’s experience for reference, research the importance and the key points of salary system reform, points out that the key point of college teacher’s salary system reform has to accord with teacher’s characteristics, and on the basis of the key point so as to design college teachers’salary system.This paper focuses on the design of college teacher’s salary system, introduces the category of the compensation system model, by comparing the models, ultimately choose the performance salary system to be our country college teachers’salary system mode, meanwhile, gives deep analysis on the principles and design contents of salary system, and the paper think should design the system from three aspects which are performance plans, performance evaluation and performance feedback to implement the design, through the perfect performance evaluation indicator, fair assessment and timely feedback, the system can result to realize the goal of the salary system reform.

【关键词】 高校教师薪酬制度绩效
【Key words】 colleges and universitiesteacherssalary systemperformance

