

【作者】 刘琼

【导师】 杨楠;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 基于广西地区少有史前墓地个案研究的现状,本文尝试对横县秋江墓地进行系统分析,以期抛砖引玉,获得教益。秋江墓地是桂南新石器时代中期贝丘遗址的代表性遗存,与顶蛳山遗址二、三期年代相当,文化内涵相近。做好秋江墓地的分析,将对顶蛳山墓地的研究起到一定参考作用。本文主要运用考古类型学的方法,探讨秋江墓地的墓葬相对早晚年代、墓地年代,讨论墓地空间布局及其反映的社会背景:1.根据广西地区的坑葬传统、秋江墓地葬式特征及田野迹象,提出秋江墓地中的墓葬并非“随意弃尸”,其“平地掩埋”的推断也有斟酌余地,不能排除存在墓坑的可能。2.分析T3中的上下两层人骨叠压现象,考察上层墓葬与下层墓葬之间的随葬品组合差异,提出上下两层墓葬当分属早晚两个不同的时段;又根据T1墓葬的随葬品伴出情况,推测它们与T3下层的墓葬年代相当。秋江墓地可划分为早晚两段,1段时期,单随葬一枚细石片器的B类墓比重高达81.8%;2段时期,随葬品数量、类别均有所增加,组合多样化,B类墓的比重锐减至16.7%。通过对出土遗物的分析,推定秋江墓地的年代为距今8000-7000年。3.分析墓葬在墓地中的空间位置、布局规律,对各段的墓葬进行初步分组,归纳墓葬的分布特征及各时段的整体布局:1段时期,男女对葬墓符合“男西女东”的分布态势、整个墓区体现出“聚葬”的分布特征、南北向墓犬牙交错;2段墓葬的整体布局出现了明显变化,男女对葬墓出现“女西男东”迹象、墓列安葬代替了聚葬、开辟二次葬的专属墓区。4.提出秋江墓地存在呈水平直线的“肢解葬带”以及蹲踞葬墓居于墓地边缘的现象,根据对已有肢解葬意义阐释的再分析、“肢解葬带”所体现的特殊规划、在秋江墓地及其它墓地所体现出来的共同的10%左右的稳定比率,以及肢解葬的葬式特征,提出秋江墓地的肢解葬可能为一种祭仪;根据蹲踞葬及相关出土遗物与桂东北遗存的比对,推测蹲踞葬墓主的身份、社会地位及迁徙源地。5.对墓地进行人口、性别分析,讨论了墓地所体现的社会组织的演变及反映的社会状况。

【Abstract】 In view of lacking of systemic case study of Prehistoric graveyard in Guangxi, this thesis will make a detailed analysis based on Qiu-Jiang Cemetery, which provided important data for the researches on the burial positions and funeral customs of DingSi Mountain Culture. Both Flexed burial and mutilated burial were found in Qiu-Jiang Cemetery, the latter of which was the more characteristic burial type of this cemeter.On the base of archaeological typology and the factor analysis method, this paper discussed the early and later stages of Qiu-Jiang Cemetery, space structure, the age, and social history background it reflects. Conclusions are as follows:Firstly, in accordance with pits burial custom in Guangxi, considering funeral rites and some features in Qiu-Jiang Cemetery, this paper presented that tombs in Qiu-Jiang Cemetery were not ground-buried or dumped bodies.Secondly, analysis of the two layers of bodies revealed in T3, based on the differences of funerary objeets between the upper and the lower burials, Proposed a view that the upper and the lower burials are belong to different time. And according to the funerary objeets in Tl, speculated that burials in Tl are as the same period as the lower burials in T3. Then divided Qiu-Jiang Cemetery into two stages, through the analysis of the unearthed relics, Speculated that Qiu-Jiang Cemetery belongs to the Middle Neolithic periodis, B.P.8000-B.P.7000, but a bit later than the third stage of DingSi Mountain Site. Thirdly, Judging from the spatial location, grave space position, The layout of the graveyard, buried type distribution, based on groups of superimposed and interlinked tombs, distribution characteristics of the burials were also concluded in this paper: in the early stage, the men and women was buried with "male west female east", the whole cemetery reflects "gathering buried" of the tombs, the south-faced tombs and the north-faced tombs are formed a jagged, interlocking pattern; in the late stage, which is obviously changed that the men and women was buried "female west male east", Tomb columns were in stead of gathering buried,and exclusive area for twice-burial has been set.Fourthly, the funerary customs in Qiu-Jiang Cemetery were different from those that in other places around Yong-River area, which showed some regional characteristies, such as mutilated-burial-belt, and the phenomenon of the aquatting burial which setted on the edge of graveyards.Finnaly, the paper disscussed about some social condition such as population, gender, and the social organization and structure that reflected in graveyard.


