

【作者】 秦欢

【导师】 刘连香;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文选取1949年以来公开发表的北宋多边形墓考古资料共计60余座为研究依据,在总结了以往关于北宋多边形墓形制、内涵、分区等方面研究成果基础上,进行新的研究与探索。论文首先对北宋多边形墓资料进行了全面爬梳,廓清了北宋多边形墓的基本面貌。运用考古类型学方法,以墓葬中墓室平面形状、墓室数量多寡、墓室高度以及墓顶结构为新的分类依据,对北宋多边形墓进行全面、深入的类型研究,将其分为六边形和八边形两大类,两类中分别再细分为单室、双室和多室墓,并按照墓室高度分为不同型,总结各类型多边形墓的特征,然后,以墓室高度为题,探寻其与斗拱结构以及墓室收杀位置的关系。通过对形制进行了较为细致的分析、归纳之后,依据分布态势,运用历史时期考古学的分区方法,将其划分为豫南、豫中、豫北、晋中四个大区,探明不同区域间的主要特征及区域差异,总结区域整体墓葬情况、墓葬形制、墓内装饰、随葬品与葬式四个方面的基本特征,并分析各区域的异同与关系。在此基础之上,以墓室内装饰布局为新的突破口,以装饰的搭配与布局关系为研究对象,运用考古类型学方法,将北宋多边形墓的墓室布局划分为两大系统七大类型,分析、归纳装饰布局类型与特征,分述各类型的代表墓葬,并探讨各个装饰布局的区域分布与联系。最后从对北宋多边形墓整体上把握,围绕学术界目前较为流行的多边形墓探源问题,进一步分析北宋多边形墓流行的时代因素,分别从“墓室稳固”的心理、“分格分栏”的装饰手法、“一元化”的内容结构、“向心性”的精神内核四个方面探寻北宋多边形墓的流行原因。由北宋多边形墓葬的综合研究,反映北宋丧葬习俗特点。根据北宋多边形墓葬多方面因素与之前的唐和五代的对比,发现其间存在一定继承和变迁关系,但对于一般人认可的所谓的“唐宋文化转型”说却没有特别明显的证据以支持,说明任何文化的发展都具有多样化和特殊性,而没有固定的统一模式。

【Abstract】 This paper is based on the data of more than60Multi-angular tombs in Northern Song dynasty. With the academic development in structural and typological areas, we will make some further research. In order to get a basic feature of the Multi-angular tombs in Northern Song dynasty, we study the published reports and articles in detail. And then, with the help of archaeological typological methods, we sort all the tombs into two main types, which are hexagonal and octagonal ones respectively. We can still divide them into three types, single room, double rooms and multi-rooms. Then we discuss the relationship between the heights of those tombs and their bracket systems (斗拱) and the locations of the furling.After the above detailed study, we put all those tombs into four types according to their excavated areas. Then we will discuss the characteristics of each type and the distinctions between each other in four basic sides, which are the outline, the structure, the decoration and the burial artifacts. We will take the decoration as an example to sort them into seven types; and we will discuss those types in detail. In the end, we will mention the origin of the Multi-angular tombs in Northern Song dynasty in four sides, which are psychology, decoration, structure and spirit.We can see the burial customs of Northern Song dynasty through the study of those Multi-angular tombs. And also we can find the connection between the burial customs of Northern Song dynasty and Tang dynasty. However, we don’t get any conclusion that could support the so called "Tang Song Cultural Transition" theory, which means any culture has its own specialty.

【关键词】 北宋多边形墓装饰探源
【Key words】 Northern SongMulti-angular tombsDecorationOrigin
  • 【分类号】K878.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】203

