

【作者】 林嘉玉(ZIN MAR TUN)

【导师】 赵永红;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 第二语言教学的最终目的是培养学生运用目的语进行交际的能力。课堂就是帮助学生学习和掌握目的语的主要场所。课堂上学生们在教师的帮助和指导下,按照一定的教学计划和步骤,有目的地学习和掌握。课堂教学该包括学生们在课堂上学习和互动,这样的课堂才能让学生感到快乐,同时也会有收获。全文共有四个部分:第一部分介绍了福庆孔子课堂,并对本研究选题的缘由进行了说明。同时回顾了前人对第二语言课堂教学互动以及汉语课堂互动教学模式的研究。第二部分分析了缅甸福庆孔子课堂的汉语教学互动模式,分别对汉语课堂词语、课文、语法以及练习环节中的互动现状进行了描写和分析。第三部分总结了缅甸福庆孔子课堂汉语教学词语、课文、语法和练习的互动流程,并结合笔者的教学实践进行反思性分析研究。第四部分,根据分析提出了缅甸汉语教学建议,指出缅甸学生虽有一定的汉语基础,但大都不愿接受完全用汉语上课,他们普遍认为采用中缅语结合的方式进行教学不仅有利于理解和记忆,且有助于拉近师生间的关系。同时对本研究的局限进行了反思。

【Abstract】 The main target of teaching Second language is to make students, using this language, communicate with other people easily. The place for the students to learn and grasp the target language should be a classroom. In the classroom, students can learn the target language step by step under the perfect study plan and meaningful teaching style with the help of teacher. Classroom teaching should include learning and purposeful action, only this kind of classroom will allow students to appreciate in learning and feel gaining something at the same time.This paper consists of four sections:The first section is an introduction of FuQing Confucius School, and the background of current study. Review Predecessors to second language classroom teaching interaction and Chinese teaching models of classroom interaction at the same time.The second section is based on interactive teaching method of FuQing Confucius School, Myanmar, like discusssing vocabularies, texts, grammars and exercises proceeding to analysis.The third section summarizes the teaching of Chinese vocabularies, texts, grammars and exercises of the interaction process in FuQing Confucius School, Myanmar and combine with the writer’s teaching practice on the reflective analysis research.The forth section, according to analysis introduced the proposal of Myanmar Chinese Language teaching method, the writer points out that the students in Myanmar know Chinese quite well, but they object to attend the class which use Chinese to explain the lesson throughout the classroom time. Almost all of the students think this kind of classroom gives them a lot of pressure. To reflect on the assessment and requirement of this research at the same time.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】174

