

【作者】 易莉

【导师】 黄健英;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 临夏具有久远的历史,早在五千年前就已经有先民生活居住于此,它是远古时期人类生息繁衍之地。远在两千年前的秦汉王朝时期,临夏地区就已经设立了县、置州、建郡,古代时人们都称之为袍罕,后来因为有大河穿过与此,随即改称为导河、河州。自西汉时期的张骞出使西域后,临夏地区就成为了著名的古丝绸之路的南道要塞,唐蕃古道的重镇。临夏地区是中原地区与西域地区的枢纽位置,在沟通中原地区与西域地区政治、经济、文化中具有纽带作用。因丝绸之路、唐蕃古道、甘川古道在临夏地区相互交错伸展,从而形成了临夏地区当年商贾云集、盛世繁荣的茶马互市的景象,临夏地区自古以来就有“河湟雄镇”的美誉,“西部旱码头”的盛世,这些头衔也必然使它成为了历朝历代兵家必争之地。随着改革开放新中国成立的步伐,临夏也与时俱进跨入了历史发展的新时代。临夏回族生活在青藏高原和黄土高原的过渡地带,属汉藏走廊的过渡地带,也是历史上汉地经贸、文化与青藏高原藏族人民进行多种交流的前沿地带。无论是从历史亦或是现实的角度,临夏地方多元宗教的格局,多元文化的碰撞以及交流与整合自始至终都贯穿于临夏回族发展的整个过程,它不仅是青藏高原与黄土高原的结合部,而且也是内地农耕文明与游牧文明交接的会合地,当地回族人民以自己所特有的民族智慧与生存意志,与其他兄弟民族一道,为边地的开发和建设,共同做出了历史性的贡献。临夏回族的商业活动最早始于明代延续至今,已有600余年的历史。临夏回族虽然处于汉藏文化环境中,但他们始终顽强地保持着自己的传统文化、宗教信仰以及日常语汇等穆斯林文化传统与精神,成为青藏高原的东部边缘地带最具生命力的民族文化形态之一,并在各方面都表现出许多深刻而独到的时代特征。时至今日,临夏回商分布范围之广,从业人数之众,经营行业之多均达到史上极盛水平,成为国内一个不容忽视但却被学术界长期忽视的商业群体。研究总结临夏回族商业经济的历史与现状,对于在社会主义市场经济条件下,继续充分发挥回族人民善经商的传统优势,振兴地方民族经济,具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Linxia where our ancestor lived and reproduced five thousand years ago has a long history. Two thousand years ago, during Qin and Han dynasty, there were county, state and shire established in Linxia after people started writing to record things. And Linxia had been called Baohan which later was changed into Daohe, Hezhou. Since Xihan dynasty when ZhangQian was sent to visit Serindia, Linxia had become a key stronghold on the southern part of ancient silk road, an garrison town for the tang-tibet ancient road, and a bridge connected politic, economy and culture between Zhongyuan and Serindia.As the silk road, Tang-Tibet ancient road and GanChuan ancient road interlaced with each other and streched in Linxia area, therefore many merchants gathered, also various trades based on horse tea trade were made prosperously. So Linxia had been recognized as "Hehuang powerful town" as well as collecting and distributing centre of goods and materials and logistics center in western China. This made it a place of military and strategic importance. After new China was established, Linxia entered a new era.Linxia Hui lived in transitional zone between Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Loess plateau, this zone is part of Han-Zang road’s transitional zone. It is the frontier region where Hang and Zang made their trades and exchanged their culture in many ways. No matter in the past or now, multiculturalism and multi-religion’s clash, exchanges, and integration will be always involved in Linxia Hui’s development. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Loess plateau connect there, Inland farming civilization and Nomadic civilization exchange there. Hui, the local people, explores and develops frontier areas together with other ethnic group with their own unique wisdom and the will to survive. They have made a historic contribution for local exploration and development.Commercial activity in Linxia which started at Ming dynasty,has over600years of history. Although being surrounded by Han-Zang culture, Hui still keeps their Muslim culture tradition and spirit, such as their own traditional culture, religions and daily expressions. Those traditional culture becomes one of the most viable national culture form to the east edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it shows many profound and unique features of the times. Until now, Linxia Hui merchants are spreading everywhere doing so many kinds of businesses, and the number of Hui merchants reaches the highest in their history, thus they become a commercial group which is innegligible but is ignored by academic circles. This paper introduces the history and present situation of Linxia Hui’s business economy, which is of great significance to help make full use of Hui’s traditional advantages(they are good at doing business) to boost local ethnic group economy in socialist market economy condition.

【关键词】 临夏回族商贸价值瓶颈对策
【Key words】 LinxiaHuicommercialsvaluebottleneckcountermeasures

