

Study on China’s Grain Security in the Circulation

【作者】 张莉娜

【导师】 卢布; 杨卫路;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业区域发展, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 从环节上讲,粮食安全涉及粮食生产、流通和消费三个方面内容,粮食综合生产能力和粮食流通能力的组合决定着一个国家的粮食安全水平,粮食流通安全是粮食安全得以保障的必要条件。近年来,全球气候变化得到高度重视,生物质能源用粮规模扩大,国际粮食市场波动加剧;我国耕地面积明显减少,进口粮食不断增多,粮食主产区与主销区的矛盾尚未很好协调。保障粮食流通安全的难度不断增加,在此大背景下,粮食流通安全的重要性更加凸显。研究我国粮食流通安全问题具有更加重要的现实意义。论文在归纳总结粮食流通体系所涉及要素和环节的基础上,结合我国粮食流通安全的环境背景,提出我国粮食流通安全现存的主要问题:第一、我国受制于世贸协定,在对粮食流通领域的财政补贴中束手束脚,补贴支持力度小,分环节补贴的组合效果差,按保护价收购的粮食作物品种少、区域范围小,国企与私企享受的政策待遇不一致。第二、我国粮食流通企业数量多、规模小,缺乏具有国际竞争力的“龙头企业”,国有粮食企业大而不强,农业合作组织实力弱小,国民企业比外资企业的市场竞争力弱,粮食流通主体结构发展不平衡。第三、我国粮食批发市场、期货市场发育不健全,粮食物流和仓储设施落后、科技在流通领域的作用没有充分发挥,不能满足粮食流通安全的需要。粮食市场体系不完善,流通设施条件落后。针对上述问题,论文采用比较分析法和经验分析法,研究了美国和日本两个发达国家保障粮食流通安全的各个要素和各个环节,对比我国与发达国家在保障粮食流通安全方面的差距,借鉴美国和日本保障粮食流通安全的主要成果经验,提出了以下几点对策建议:1.加快粮食法规体系建设,加大政策支持力度。继续完善《粮食法》。《粮食法》(征求意见稿)中只是将现行的一些管理和调控手段固定下来,还需要明确粮食调控政策的执行和监管,应引入竞争机制,充分发挥社会舆论和新闻媒体的监督作用,力争尽早颁布《粮食安全法》。政策上,应继续加大对粮食流通领域的支持力度。2.构建多元化流通主体结构。发挥国有粮食企业在粮食流通领域主体作用的前提下,鼓励农协在流通领域发挥更积极的作用,加强对外资粮食企业的监管,提高非国有企业的储粮规模及比重等。3.完善粮食流通设施建设。加快粮食批发市场和期货市场建设,加强粮食流通体系规划与基础设施建设。4.充分发挥科技在粮食流通领域的作用,加强粮食科技人才培养。

【Abstract】 From the links of speaking, grain security refers to three aspects of grain production, circulationand consumption, to ensure grain circulation safety is necessary conditions of grain security. In recentyears, global climate change get high attention, use of grain scale of biomass energy enlarged, the worldgrain market heightened volatility; our country cultivated area actually year by year reduced, importedfood increased gradually, the contradiction of the main grain producing areas and the main sales areasnot yet well coordinated, the difficulty to ensure food safety circulation increases, the importance of thegrain circulation safety become more prominent. In this background, the research of our country’s graincirculation security holds important realistic significance.On the basis of summarizing elements and link of the grain circulation system involved, combinedwith the environment background of grain circulation in China, the paper points out existing three majorproblems in our country’s grain circulation security:First, our country is subject to the WTO agreement, in the field of grain circulation of financialsubsidies do not put underhand method,such problems as small amount of subsidy, lack of stable growthmechanism, confusion of subsidy standard, the yielding areas are small, the treatment of state-ownedenterprises and the private sector is discrepant.Second, China’s grain circulation enterprises in the small scale of the number, lack ofinternationally competitive leading enterprises, state-owned grain enterprises is big but not strong, thefarmers cooperatives is weak, the market competition ability of domestic enterprise is weaker thanforeign enterprise, the main structure of grain circulation development is not balanced.Third, China’s grain market system is not perfect, circulation facilities behind. The cerealwholesale market, the grain futures market is distemperedness,grain logistics and warehousing facilitiesbehind, the grain circulation science and technology in the field of circulation is not fully at work,cannot meet the needs of the safety of grain circulation.In view of the above the existing problems, the main methods the author used are comparativeanalysis and experience analysis, discussed each element and each link of The United States and Japantwo developed countries to ensure food safety circulation, compared with the gap between thedeveloped country and our country in the field of grain security, learning the experience ensure thesafety of grain circulation from the American and the Japanese, four suggestions can be offered here:To speed up the construction of the food regulations system, strengthen policy support continue toimprove the Food Law. Food Law(the consultation paper)just fixed down some of our currentmanagement and regulation means, still need to clear implementation and supervision of food controlpolicies,should introduce a competitive mechanism,bring the public and the news media’s influencing ofsupervision into full play, strive to issue The Food Safety Law as early as possible. In policy, continue tointensify the support to the field of grain circulation. Build a multiple circulation subject structure. State-owned grain enterprises play a main role in thefield of grain circulation, encourage peasants associate peasants associate in circulation field, strengthenthe supervision of foreign food enterprise, mprove the stored grain size and proportion of non-statebusinesses etc.Perfect facilities construction of grain circulation. Speed up the construction of the wholesale foodmarket and futures market, Strengthen the grain circulation system planning and infrastructureconstruction.Give full play to the role of science and technology in the field of grain circulation, strengthen thepersonnel training of grain science and technology.


