

Management Information System of Basic Agricultural Condition Based on3G and WebGIS

【作者】 王耀武

【导师】 王文生;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是一个农产品生产大国、消费大国和贸易大国。农业生产形势,特别是农业生产状况是各级政府、农业生产管理部门、农产品购销与加工企业以及广大公众都关注的大事。农情工作作为了解农业生产形势的基础工作,在为领导科学决策提供依据、促进农民增收等方面起着举足轻重的作用,是农业决策、指挥、管理、生产经营及农产品市场营销的重要科学依据,搞好农情信息工作对各级政府、农业部门制定农业政策和产业经营策略,管理指导农业生产具有重要意义。近20年是信息技术和通信技术的高速发展的20年,互网络技术和移动通信技术的全面推广为移动互联网在全球的推广奠定了良好的基础。人们采集信息的手段也随着新技术的悄然发生着变动。尤其是那些对信息采集要求实时、不间断且不断更换采集地点的行业,新技术的采用将带来前所未有的效率以及崭新的体验。农情采集工作是要不断变换采集地点的移动性强的工作。近几年随着农业突发事件的不断出现、农业管理部门对突发事件下的农情信息采集要求不断提高,使得农情采集的突发性、紧急性彰显。当前的一线基层农技员在农情采集工作中被要求做到及时和服务器端数据中心交换信息,对农情信息进行及时、迅速的采集上传,特别是能够极大地提高农情采集管理工作效率的实时照片和相关图片的及时上传。但是目前的农情采集系统,还仅限于桌面应用,不能够解决农情采集工作采集移动性、突发性、紧急性的工作特点之要求,极大地限制了农情管理工作的高效开展。本文针对农情采集过程中的问题,开发出基于3G和WebGIS的基层农情采集系统。基层农技员通过该系统的Android应用软件随时随地采集农情信息;农业生产管理决策者则可在PC上通过该系统基于WebGIS的页面直观的管理基层农技员上传的农情信息,并可对其管理的农技员指派任务。在本文中简单介绍了Android系统相关知识、Nodejs语言和MVC开发模式以及Express框架;分析了当前农情采集的现状及移动互联网和智能终端的发展现状以及未来的发展趋势,将当前的农情信息采集系统与设计的系统进行了对比。论文设计的整个系统的实现分为三个步骤,首先分别对服务器端、手机端及PC端系统进行了详细的需求分析,划分了详细的功能模块;之后分别对服务器端、手机端及PC端的系统进行了详细的流程设计,并且详细介绍了某些功能模块和用户交互界面的设计;最后介绍了此系统主要模块的实现,并分别在功能性以及非功能性方面进行了测试。一方面此系统充分体现了移动互联网及Android移动终端操作系统对硬件支持的优势,使农情信息的采集及时便捷的同时,多媒体表现形式的农情信息又大大提高了农情信息的准确性。另一方面采用WebGIS的PC端能够直观的查看农技员采集上传的农情信息,并可通过该系统分派任务给农技员让其完成特定农情的采集,从而让农情信息更有针对性。最终实现的原型系统成功的证实了本文所提出的基于3G和WebGIS的农情信息采集系统的可行性和高效性。

【Abstract】 China is an agricultural producing country, consuming country and major trading nation. Situationof agricultural production, especially agricultural production conditions are a major concern of all levelsof government, the administrative departments of agricultural production, agricultural marketing andprocessing enterprises, as well as the general public. Agricultural condition as a basis to understand thesituation of agricultural production in the leading scientific decision-making to provide a basis topromote farmers’ income and other aspects play a decisive role, is an important scientific basis foragricultural decision-making, directing, management, production management and agriculturalmarketing. do a good job in the agricultural information to all levels of government, the agriculturalsector to develop the agricultural policy and industrial business strategy, management, supervision ofagricultural production has an important meaning.Recently20years is the rapid development of information and communication technologies duringthese two decades, has laid a good foundation for the comprehensive promotion of the mutual networktechnology and mobile communications technology for the mobile Internet in the global promotion.Means of people to gather information along with the new technology quietly change. In particular, theinformation collection requirements in real time, continuous and constantly changing collectionlocations industry, adoption of new technology will bring unprecedented efficiency and a newexperience.The acquisition of agricultural situation is constantly changing collection locations mobility. Withthe emerging agricultural emergencies in recent years, the administrative departments for agricultureunder the emergency agricultural information collection requirements continuously improve, making thesudden acquisition of agricultural condition, the urgency of the highlight. The current first-line primaryagricultural Members in the acquisition of the agricultural condition requirements to achieve timely andserver-side data centers to exchange information on agricultural information in a timely manner, therapid acquisition upload, in particular, can greatly improve the collection and management ofagricultural condition the efficiency of real-time photos and pictures uploaded in a timely manner.Acquisition system of the current agricultural situation, but also limited to desktop applications cannot solve the agricultural condition acquisition acquisition of mobility, the sudden urgency of the workcharacteristics, which greatly limit the efficient carrying out of the management of the agriculturalcondition.In this paper, the agricultural situation in the collection process, the development of the localfarmers’ situation3G and WebGIS-based acquisition system. Members of the grassroots agriculturalcollect agricultural information through the system Android applications anytime, anywhere;agricultural production management decision-makers can be agricultural information through thesystem based on WebGIS page and intuitive management of primary agricultural Members uploaded onthe PC, and its management of agricultural Members assigned tasks. In this article a brief Android system knowledge, Nodejs language and MVC development modeland express framework; analysis of the current agricultural condition collection development status ofthe current situation and the mobile Internet and intelligent terminal and the future development trend ofthe current agricultural information acquisition system and the design of the system were compared.Paper the design of the entire system is divided into three steps, first on the server side, the mobileterminal and the PC client system, a detailed needs analysis, divided into detailed functional modules;of server-side mobile terminal and PC side The system detailed process design, and details some of thefunctional modules and user interface design; Finally, the main module of this system were tested infunctional and nonfunctional.The one hand, this system fully embodies the advantages of mobile Internet and3G-Androidmobile terminal operating system, multimedia manifestations of timely and convenient manner, whileagricultural information in the collection of agricultural information and greatly improve the accuracyof the information of the agricultural condition. Intuitive view of the agricultural Members collectedupload agricultural information the other hand, the WebGIS the PC side, and through the assignment ofthe system to the agricultural Members allowed to complete the acquisition of specific agriculturalsituation, so that agricultural information is more targeted.The ultimate realization of the prototype system confirmed the effectiveness and efficiency of3Gand WebGIS-based agricultural information acquisition system presented in this paper.


