

Study on the Epoxy Resin/Polyvinyl Hloride Modified Polyurethane Foam

【作者】 张文博

【导师】 武德珍;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 材料科学与工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 通过设计正交试验,分析了不同组分对泡沫塑料不同性能的影响程度,得到了制备不同性能的硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的配方,测试分析后进一步验证了正交试验结果的正确性,建立了后续实验的基础配方。制备了环己烷、水为共发泡剂的聚氨酯/环氧树脂/聚乙二醇-20000为主体成分的硬质泡沫。研究了聚乙二醇-20000、环氧树脂E-51、环己烷对硬质泡沫表观密度、压缩强度、冲击强度、热性能的影响。随着聚乙二醇-20000的加入,泡沫材料的压缩强度和冲击强度均呈现先增大后减小的趋势,在聚乙二醇-20000含量为30份时,泡沫材料的压缩强度和冲击强度均达到较佳水平。环氧树脂E-51的加入不仅能够提高泡沫材料的热分解温度,而且在含量为1520份时,泡沫材料的压缩强度和冲击强度均达到较高水平。泡沫材料的压缩强度、冲击强度在环己烷/水为10/1时达到最大。对用聚氯乙烯改性的聚氨酯泡沫塑料进行了研究,分析了聚氯乙烯不同加入方式对聚氨酯泡沫塑料性能的影响,当用增塑剂处理的聚氯乙烯加入到反应体系后,制备的泡沫塑料的性能较好。对聚氯乙烯添加量对泡沫塑料性能的影响进行了研究,当聚氯乙烯的含量为20份时,泡沫塑料的力学性能较好。对用聚氯乙烯增强的仿木聚氨酯材料进行了初步研究,当搅拌速率从200r·min-1提高到2600r·min-1后,泡沫材料的密度约从60kg·m-3到90kg·m-3,压缩强度和冲击强度分别从约0.55Mpa到0.90Mpa,0.6kJ·m-2到1.2kJ·m-2,同时泡沫塑料的热尺寸稳定性有了很大提高。对加入环氧树脂的仿木聚氨酯材料进行了研究,环氧树脂的加入对泡沫塑料的生长成型有利,泡沫塑料密度较之前变小,相对应的力学性能下降,但环氧树脂的加入较纯聚氨酯泡沫塑料的力学性能有增强作用。制备了较大密度的仿木聚氨酯材料,密度较之前聚氨酯泡沫塑料提高了约一倍,力学性能提高约二倍左右。采用扫描电镜、电子显微镜、热失重分析、力学性能分析、热形变量分析等对不同发泡配方组成的泡沫塑料进行了表征。

【Abstract】 Orthogonal test was designed to analysis the polyurethane foamsystem. Different components had different influence to the properties ofthe foam material. Through the orthogonal test, the specific formulaswere obtained, and carried out these formulas to verify the correctness ofthe orthogonal test, the basic formula for the future experiment wasgiven.The polyurethane/epoxy resin/polyethylene glycol modified foammaterial was prepared by using the water and cyclohexane as foamingagent. Effects of polyethylene glycol, epoxy resin on the apparent density,compressive strength, impact strength and thermal stability of thepolyurethane foam were studied. With increasing contents ofpolyethylene glycol, compressive and impact strength of the foam bothfirst increased and then decreased. When contents of the polyethyleneglycol were30pphp, both compressive strength and impact strengthachieved the best level. Thermal stability of foam increased when addedepoxy resin to the system. When epoxy resin were1520pphp, theoverall mechanical properties of foam were the best. Maximum compressive and impact strength were obtained when the cyclohexanewas10pphp and the water was1pphp.Polyvinyl chloride was used to modify the polyurethane foam.Analyzed different foam properties by using different adding style, whenthe polyvinyl chloride mixed with some dioctyl-phthalate added to thefoaming system, the foam material had the better performance. Also didsome experiments to characterize the ratio of polyvinyl chloride’sinfluence to the foam material, when the polyvinyl chloride was20pphp,the modified material had better mechanical properties.Characterized the wood-imitation material’s properties,which weremodified by polyvinyl chloride. When the stirring rate changed from200r·min-1to2600r·min-1, the density of the material changed from60kg·m-3to90kg·m-3,the compressive strength and impact strengthchanged from0.55Mpa to0.90Mpa,0.6kJ·m-2to1.2kJ·m-2. Also, thethermal stability was increased, too. When the epoxy resin was added tothe system, the density of the foam was decreased, but the epoxy resinstrengthened the pure polyurethane foam’s mechanical properties. Thewood-imitation material with high density was prepared. The density wastwice as before, but the mechanical properties increased more.Foam materials were characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), optical microscope, thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA),mechanical strengths and thermal distortion analysis.


