

Microwave Thermal Conversion Process Design and Test of Oily Sludge

【作者】 姜深行

【导师】 雍兴跃;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 化学工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着石油工业的迅速发展,所带来的环境问题也越来越严重。其中,产生的大量含油污泥不仅浪费了宝贵的石油资源,而且对周围环境造成严重的污染。由此,开展含油污泥的减量化、无害化与资源化处置研究具有重要的意义。本论文设计了含油污泥微波热转化工艺流程,该流程包括6个功能模块:进料系统、微波热转化系统、烟气冷凝和分离系统、不凝气净化系统、工艺检测与控制系统和其他配套辅助系统,可以满足将含油污泥减量化、无害化与资源化处置的要求。进料系统能够对含油污泥进行均质混合处理后送至微波热解炉,其送料速度0~10kg/h可调节;微波加热炉进行程序控制,可加热物料至800℃;制冷系统能确保循环冷却水温度达到5℃,可以充分冷凝热转化炉产生的高温烟气;尾气处理系统热氧化炉温度可控制达500℃,实现可燃不凝气的氧化焚烧。不凝气经氧化焚烧后经过洗涤塔洗涤净化,可达标排放;工艺系统通过PLC控制可自动在线采集不凝气样品,并进行组分分析,可对产生冷凝液在线计量;控制系统能够实时监测、控制微波反应器中的温度,实现运行数据采集和储存。试验发现,一次性进料和连续进料方式对微波热处理反应炉内的温度场有非常显著的影响。在微波热处理静态试验过程中,微波反应炉内的温度场从顶部至底部温度先升高后降低,反应炉中部位置温度最高;在微波动态试验过程中,微波反应炉内温度场从顶部至底部温度一直上升,反应炉内底部温度最高;添加微波吸收剂明显增加了冷凝液和不凝气的产量,提高了处理效率。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the petroleum industry, it brings moreand more serious environmental problems. A large of oily sludge producedin pretroleum industry seriously pollutes the surrounding environment. Thiskind of oily sludge also contains valuable oil resources. However, it isgreatly significant to treat oily sludge with recovery of oily sludge.In present paper, apparatus for oily sludge of microwave heat treatmentwas designed and built. The process of oily sludge of microwave heattreatment consists of six functional parts: the feeding system, heat treatmentsystem, distillate condensation and separation system, thermal oxidationtreatment system, non-condensable gas detection system, process monitoringand control system.Feeding system,which is used for crushing and mixing oily sludge,can transport oily sludge to microwave pyrolysis system at max10kg/h.Microwave pyrolysis furnace is controlled by program, the operatingtemperature of which is up to800℃. Refrigeration system can ensure thetemperature of cooling water to reach5℃, and the high temperature flue gases can be effectively condensed. The temperature of thermally oxidizedsystem can be controlled up to500℃, and the exhaust gases from thermallyoxidized system can effectively be washed and cleaned by the scrubber,finally the exhaust emits at the standard; non-condensable gases canautomatically be collected for samples online and analysised for theircomponents. The process can effectively be controlled and the process datacan be collected, recorded and stored.Experimental results show that feeding ways have very significantimpact on the temperature distribution inside microwave heat treatmentreactor. when microwave heat treatment apparatus was feeded at one time,the temperature increased at first and then reduced from the top to bottom ofthe reactor. Temperature is highest at the center of reactor. If it was feededcontinously, the temperature continuously increased from the top to bottomof the reactor. At the bottom of reactor the temperature is highest. Additionof microwave absorbent significantly increased the outputs of condensatedliquids and non-condensable gases, and improved the treatment efficiencyof oily sludges.

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】242

