

The Study of Multi-Project Schedule Optimizing and Resource Balancing Method

【作者】 马子琦

【导师】 孙军;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,在经济与科技的繁荣发展中,中国企业也逐步呈现多元化、规模化的趋势。随着各企业承担项目的规模及数量的快速扩展,在项目实施过程中亦凸显出诸如:不能及时完工、预算严重超支以及资源调配严重不合理等现象。为了使有限资源得到更有效地利用并实现企业的低成本、高利润,一种全新的项目管理方式应运而生,称为多项目管理。本文以项目管理及现代管理学为理论指导,对多项目管理中的项目进度优化方法进行展开研究,并在资源受限的条件下分三层建立相应的多项目进度优化模型,通过运用启发式算法求解缩短各项目的实施工期,并使所需资源尽可能地均衡分配。模型采用三级目标:第一级目标是使得各项目工期与预定工期相比拖期最短;第二级目标是使得共享资源的消耗尽可能地均衡;第三级目标是由各项目负责人根据给定的有限资源及工期要求来制定具体的进度计划,使自己的项目工期尽可能短,从而使由于工期拖期造成的惩罚最小(或者由于工期提前得到的奖励最大)。此外,当共享资源有限且资源在多项目间使用发生冲突时,本文通过对影响项目进度的各种因素进行分析,建立了优先权模型,通过求解优先权系数来对资源发生冲突的各工作进行排序,进而协助制定项目进度计划,有效解决资源均衡问题,从而为模型的整体优化提供条件。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy and technology, Chineseenterprises have tended to become diversified and large-scale. In recentyears, the enterprises begin to assume more and more projects, andaccompanied by the size of these projects increasing, but it is alsohighlighted some bad phenomena such as project can not be completed ina timely manner, budget overruns seriously or allocation of resourcesbecomes irrational etc. Therefore, in order to make more effective use oflimited resources, multi-project management as a new projectmanagement approach emerged, and it can make Low-cost and highprofit for enterprises.The paper using the theory of modern project management guides usto study the way of project schedule optimization, and establishes thecorresponding multi-project schedule optimization model which dividedinto three layers in the resource-constrained conditions, finally, using theheuristic algorithm to shorten the project duration and distribute therequired resources balanced. The model that established in this paper useshierarchical model which divided into three levels: the first-sub goal is tomake the duration of each project shorter than it’s predetermined duration;the second-sub goal is to make the consumption of shared resources keepin a balanced level; the third-sub goal is to develop a specific schedule bythe project leader according to the limited resources and scheduledduration to shorten the actual duration of this project, so that they can geta minor punishment because of durations been delayed or get a rewardbecause of durations been advanced.In addition, this paper established the priority model by analyzingthe various factors which affected the progress of the project. This priority model will be used to arrange the start-time of each task bycalculating priority coefficient when the shared resources were limited. Inshort, these multi-project schedule optimization models can help developproject schedule and make resource balanced use, providing support forthe overall optimization of the projects.

  • 【分类号】F062.4;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】347
  • 攻读期成果

