

The Progress of Science&Technology and the Development of Cable Television in Taiyuan

【作者】 雷雯

【导师】 张培富;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 由于科学技术的不断发展和人类日益增长的精神文化需求,有线电视不断的发挥着其强大的宣传喉舌作用,已经成为现代广播电视不可或缺的一部分,中国有线电视的发展已日益接近国际先进水平。本文致力于从太原有线电视的发展历程入手,通过分析科技进步对太原有线电视的推动及促进作用,尽可能地去探究出了二者之间相互影响和促进关系,力求为有线电视发展将要面临的问题提供一些对策,从而得到对城市有线电视发展的启示;从论文的结构来看,本文由导言、正文和结束语组成。第一部分,科技进步促进太原有线电视的起步与发展。介绍了太原有线电视在科技进步的影响下,在中国有线电事业蓬勃发展的环境中,太原有线电视经历了从起步阶段到快速发展的阶段。第二部分,科技进步与太原有线电视的现状和发展思路。分别从发展规模和技术、业务发展等方面,介绍了太原有线电视现的发展现状,并且阐述了在当今三网融合的背景下,借助科学技术发展为推手,太原有线电视的发展思路和发展趋势。第三部分,科技进步与太原有线电视发展存在的问题与对策。分别从有线电视网络资源管理滞后于科技进步需要、有线电视业务的单一化发展与科技进步不平衡、有线电视发展的科技创新能力薄弱三方面来剖析太原有线电视在技术进步和竞争环境中面临的问题,并提出具体对策。第四部分,科技进步促进城市有线电视发展的启示。从太原有线电视的发展经验中得出,科技进步促进城市有线电视发展的三方面启示,分别为依靠科学技术,加强有线电视的文化功能;依靠科学定位,加快网络改造步伐;依靠技术合作,实现“三网融合”共赢发展。结束语总结了全文,另外还指出了不足之处和努力方向。本文的创新之处在于,笔者基于当今信息技术三网融合的环境下,以太原有线电视的发展为例,从科技进步的角度来分析和研究太原有线电视的发展历程,尤其是系统梳理了起步阶段相关史料的空白。通过阐述太原有线电视的发展历程及发展对策,以期为中国城市有线电视的发展提供科学的建议。

【Abstract】 With the progress of the science and technology and the increasing spiritual and cultural needs of the people, cable television has been developed from the supplement and extension of broadcast and television into the important component parts of modern broadcast television.It shows that the development of Chinese cable television approached to the international advanced level. This paper started with the developing history of Taiyuan cable television, through analyzing the impact and relationship between them to supply solutions for the development of cable television, and get the revelation for the city cable television finally. This paper consists of the foreword, the text and the conclusion.The first part,"The starting and development of Taiyuan cable television on the basis of advanced science and technology", introduced that Taiyuan cable television has experienced from initial stage to rapid development stage with the influence of the advanced science and technology in the environment of the development of Taiyuan cable television.The second part,"Current situation and developing strategy of advanced science and Taiyuan cable television", studies the current situation of Taiyuan cable television from the development scale and the technology development, and also introduces the developing strategy of Taiyuan cable television with advanced science and technology under the background of nowadays network.The third part,"Existing problems and countermeasures of advanced science and Taiyuan cable television" analyzes the existing problems of Taiyuan cable television from the following three aspects:network resource management lags behind the need of modern information technology, business simplified development and technological unbalanced development, the weak innovation ability of science and technology, and supply the countermeasures.The fourth part,"The revelation from the development of city cable television on the basis of advanced science and technology", learning by the developing experience of Taiyuan cable television to achieve the three revelation for the advanced science and technology promotes city cable television development, such as strengthen the cultural function of cable television with science and technology innovation, step up the net construction with scientific orientation, and achieve win-win cooperation with scientific cooperation.Finally, the conclusion shows the disadvantages and future research direction.The innovation of this paper lies in the analysis and research of Taiyuan cable television development from the aspect of science and technology under the information technology environment nowadays, especially fills the gap at its start stage. Taking Taiyuan cable television as an example, it worked out the developmental course and countermeasures of Taiyuan cable television, and provides suggestions to the development of Taiyuan cable television.

【关键词】 科技进步太原有线电视
【Key words】 Progress of science&technologyTraiyuanCable television
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

