

Research on the Development and Changes of Qianzhuang from Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China

【作者】 魏晋

【导师】 石涛;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 专门史, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 钱庄是我国特有的金融组织,其产生、发展直至衰落跨越了古代、近代、现代三个时段,并在社会经济、百姓生活和我国工、商业近代化进程中发挥了重要作用。可以说钱庄是我国金融业发展最具代表性的商业形式之一,在金融史乃至经济史,以及传统经济向近代化转型等方面中占有不可或缺的地位。本文通过多学科交叉对钱庄进行综合研究。主要通过传统史学的方法,在全国范围内运用实录等典籍类史料进行论证,局部地区以地方志进行论述,再加以明、清代小说进行辅证,试图将钱庄由来及发展脉络较为清晰展现出来;再者引入经济学思维,对钱庄变迁中的一系列问题通过供给、需求、市场、业务类型等方面进行解读,并使用民国时期统计年鉴等史料运用图表进行分析,较为细致地将钱庄研究进行深化;还将社会学一些相关的社会背景进行陈述,并结合钱庄当时的具体情况加以分析。通过以上研究方法的使用和史料的搜集、整理,使得钱庄研究得以在一定程度上展开。将钱庄由来问题通过“逆时间顺序史料推论法”进行了初步考证,得出钱庄是由钱业商铺发展而来。自明代始钱业商铺开始出现且逐渐发展,到了清前中期逐步发展成新形式的商业组.织,即钱庄。而此后钱庄外的其他钱业商铺也仿照钱庄拓宽了业务类型,形成了以钱庄为代表的“泛钱庄”式的金融组织。再者,以不同年代的史料为依托,将钱庄发展变迁的脉络进行梳理,并以全国范围的普遍性和各地方特殊性分别进行阐述,以求更为清晰和全面叙述出变迁过程。最后对钱庄进行全面研究,主要基于钱庄数量的和钱业商铺的资本额进行考量,分别对全国、各地区、各省份逐层深入,以求找到钱庄发展乃至我国金融业变迁的些许规律。并对山西省内钱庄进一步深入分析,将民国前中期省内各地区钱庄变化进行归纳、总结,发现山西省内钱庄的发达程度远超周边,甚至超过了部分东部发达省份。不仅如此山西省内钱庄在民国前期主要集中于乡村、县域范围,此后才逐渐转向城市。

【Abstract】 Qianzhuang was China’s unique financial organization, its birth、 development and decline had across the ancient and the modern periods. It played an important role in the process of socio-economic、the lives of people and the commercial modernization. Qianzhuang was one of the most representative forms of business in China’s financial sector development, and it occupies an indispensable position in the financial history and even economic history, as well as the transition from traditional economic to the modernization.This passage do some Multidisciplinary comprehensive study on Qianzhuang. I primarily use the methods of traditional history. For example:I use the data from some classical historical books nationwide,use the records in local history for some areas, together with the Ming and Qing Dynasty novels as secondary evidence. All I do above is try to demonstrate the origin and development context of Qianzhuang more clearly. Furthermore, the economics thinking is also discussed in my paper.I do the research on Qianzhuang through supply、demand、market and type of business, and I use the historical data of the Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of China to make some charts in order to analyze more detailed and deepen; I also make a statement of the social background, combined with the specific situation of Qianzhuang.Through the use of the above research methods and the collection of the historical materials, I make the research of Qianzhuang extended in a certain extent.Though the method of "reasoning in reverse chronological order ",I draw the conclusion that Qianzhuang was born from Qianyeshangpu. Since the Ming Dynasty, Qianyeshangpu began to appear and developed gradually. To the mid-term of Qing,Qianyeshangpu gradually developed into the new forms of business organizations:Qianzhuang. Since then other Qianyeshangpu learned from Qianzhuang to broaden their type of business, the "Fanqianzhuang" formation emerged.Furthermore, I choose historical data of different years as the basis to sort out the Qianzhuang change context, and I elaborate nationwide universality and particularity of the local in order to lee the description of the change process more clear and comprehensive.At last, the overall study of Qianzhuang, mainly focused on the number of Qianzhuang and capital considerations of Qianyeshangpu. From this study which covered the whole country、all regions and every province,I try to find a little law of the development of Qianzhuang and even the change of China’s financial industry. Further in-depth analysis of Shanxi Province, summarize the changes in different parts of Shanxi before the mid-Republic of China, I figure that the developed degree of Qianzhuang in Shanxi was far more than the surrounding, even more than the well-developed provinces in the eastern part. Not only that, in Shanxi Province, Qianzhuang in the Early Republic of China were mainly in rural areas of the county range, then gradually turned to the city.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】K251;F832.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】362
  • 攻读期成果

