

The Study on the Issue of the Disadvantaged Group of College Students

【作者】 董言志

【导师】 葛振国;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国市场经济的发展和改革的进一步深入,经济社会进入了全面转型期。在转型过程中,社会发展过程中不可避免地会出现一些问题。由于地区之间、城乡之间、行业之间、社会各阶层之间的收入差距进一步加大,社会上形成了一部分物质生活匮乏、政治社会地位低下、社会竞争能力弱的群体,即朱镕基总理在2002年3月5日九届人大五次会议上所作的政府工作报告中提出的“弱势群体”。弱势群体目前已成为社会普遍关注的一个问题。近年来,伴随着社会发展不均衡问题的出现、1993年开始的高校扩招政策的进一步推行以及高校教育体制改革的深化,高校大学生弱势群体问题也越来越突出,给我国高校教育提出了更大的挑战,也引起了社会的广泛关注。大学生弱势群体问题不仅表现为物质生活的匮乏,更表现为心理问题的普遍性和严重性,表现为对国家人才储备、高校的生存和发展以及社会稳定的广泛影响。作为高校素质教育的核心和灵魂的思想政治教育对于我们解决高校大学生弱势问题是非常重要的,因此,本文努力通过大学生弱势群体概念的分析、原因、现状和负面影响的分析,使大家了解大学生弱势群体问题的来龙去脉,认识大学生思想政治教育对于这一问题的重要性和目前大学生思想政治教育中存在的问题和不足,针对不断出现的新情况,寻找切实可行的措施和途径,以此来促进我国高校教育的稳定和发展。本文总体分三部分来论证大学生弱势群体问题。第一部分介绍相关概念和理论支持。这部分首先从社会发展的角度界定了社会弱势群体的概念,然后引申出大学生弱势群体的涵义。这部分重点对大学生弱势群体的概念、分类和负面影响进行了总结和分析。第二部分主要分析了大学生弱势群体的现状和这一问题产生的原因。现状的分析从经济弱势、身心弱势、地位弱势、就业弱势几个主要方面入手。对原因的分析主要从经济原因、家庭原因、主观原因、社会环境原因、学校教育问题原因五个方面入手。第三部分主要寻找高校大学生弱势群体问题的解决对策。这部分从构建和谐的社会氛围、寻求有效的高校学生思想政治教育模式、激发弱势大学生接受思想政治教育的内在动力三个大方面入手,并在每个大方面下分几个小部分将解决措施具体细化,提出了具有针对性和可操作性的方法。这部分是本文的重点和目的。现在形势下,国家之间的竞争是人才的竞争,我国经济社会建设更需要提高人才的综合素质,大学生作为国家未来的栋梁,弱势群体问题的出现不可忽视。思想政治教育是素质教育的核心和灵魂,对于解决大学生弱势群体问题至关重要,但探索思想政治教育在这一问题解决中的运用的文章还不多,本文试图将思想政治教育运用于具体地解决措施中,发挥其特有的作用。

【Abstract】 As China’s comprehensive transformation of economic system and the gradual deepening of reform, the issue of regional differences and widening gap between rich and poor become bigger and bigger,"Vulnerable groups" has become a unique and universal problem, and it concerns the entire society. In recent years, along with the deepening reform of higher education system and the impact of increased enrollment policy, the problem of vulnerable groups among college students become a increasingly prominent problem. Vulnerable groups among college students is not only a simple "economic" concept, but also the relatively vulnerable groups about talent overall quality, its present situation and the complexity of the problem to a large extent affected the development of university as well as the campuses harmony and stability. Then it will have a negative impact on the level of personnel training in China University and on social stability and development. As the core and soul of university education, the ideological and political education is very important to resolve the issue of college students vulnerable problem, as well as to achieve the comprehensive development of vulnerable students, and improve China’s overall quality of personnel training. At present, as the changes of social environment and educational system in the new era, college students have the unique growing environment and personal experience, the "vulnerable groups" among college students continue to emerge new features and problems, it challenges China’s college education. This paper tries to let everyone understand college students vulnerable groups in-depth, treat vulnerable students’ideological and political education seriously and scientifically, have objective and comprehensive analysis of the existing problems and shortcomings of college students vulnerable groups ideological and political education, constantly study new situations and solve new problems, seek for the guiding ideology and scientific way to carry out ideological and political education on students vulnerable groups, made possible and effective measures and methods of ideological and political education on college students. Accordingly, to promote the in-depth development of China’s ideological and political education, improve China’s higher education level of personnel training, and to realize the strategy of powerful country in personnel.This article illustrates the problem of the ideological and political education of vulnerable groups among students from four parts. Part one, it begins from the contrast of the concept of social vulnerable groups and concludes the concept then introduces into the types and scientifically defines that the vulnerable groups among students are the base of the study of the problem then objectively realizing the types and present situation is the key of the ideological and political education. So, I give a main analyze to this part. Part, two deals with realizing the current situation of the ideological and political education of the vulnerable groups among students. It mainly analyzes the difficulties and challenges that has encountered and then investigates the reason providing the foundations of improving and developing the education. Part three is also the emphasis and purpose of the article. In order to ensure the development and realize the utility of the ideological and political education of the students, the article aims at presenting the methods and measurements.At present, as China’s harmonious society proposed and the impact of all-round development of people thinking on education, the society, the state, and the school attaches importance to the education on vulnerable students. Ideological and political education as the core and soul of quality education is vital importance to students’vulnerable groups. However, the literature on existing problems of ideological and political education of vulnerable groups at this stage is very little, presently. This paper gives an important contribution and significance to further explore and improve the ways and means of the ideological and political education on vulnerable students among college students.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

