

The Performance Characteristics and Impact of Children’s Television

【作者】 周洁

【导师】 赵瑞锁;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 少年儿童题材的电视剧作为一种专门针对少儿的电视艺术,需要从少年儿童的视角出发,折射出社会上的各种现象,以其生动形象、简单易懂、幻想丰富、故事精彩等特点吸引和感染着广大的少儿受众,拥有其他题材作品很难具备的引导和教育的功能。我国的少年儿童电视剧从诞生至今已经有五十多年的发展进程,始终是在曲折中发展的。同时,作为国家和民族的希望,整个社会的发展都离不开少年儿童的健康成长,从这点出发,能够为少年儿童提供精神产品,满足他们审美需求的少儿电视剧的发展,就成为了社会各界努力的一个方面。可是就我国目前少儿题材电视剧的发展状况来看,不论从数量上还是质量上还是存在很多不足,难以满足少儿的需求。近年来,少儿题材电视剧的理论分析研究处在不断的发展中,涉及到儿童心理学、儿童教育学、美学、社会学等多个领域,以及民族文化、民族特色、国外先进经验等理念。如何将少年儿童生动丰富的生活展现在少儿作品中,让其成为高品质的富有美感的少儿真实生活的再现?这就需要分析各类作品的特点,选择适宜的艺术手法能动的展现少儿生活,让孩子们的真实的生活面貌以一种适宜受众观赏,符合他们审美接受心理的方式丰富形象的表现出来,这是少儿编导需要重视的问题和责任。但是,要想使少儿电视剧真正做到为了少儿,需要从各个方面作出努力,少儿编导们要肩负起责任,社会各界也要积极支持,使少年儿童从作品中获得身心的发展和情操的陶冶。

【Abstract】 The subject of children TV art works as a specific children’s TV art, from the perspective of children to reflection of the social phenomenon, it’s features of vivid、easy to understand、fantasy rich、wonderful stories attract and infection the majority of the children’s audience, and have the guidance and education function that the other mass media is difficult to have. Our country’s children plays from birth to the present has50years of development process and has always been development in the twists and turns. The same time, as the hope of the country and the nation, the development of whole society can not be separated from the healthy growth of children, from this point, the development of children’s television work as able to provide children with spiritual products to meet their aesthetic needs, has become one aspects of community effort. But on the development status of the children work, there are many deficiencies in regardless of quantity and quality, that’s difficult to meet children’s needs. In recent years, the theoretical analysis of children’s work in the continuous development, Related to the multiple areas of child psychology, child education, aesthetics, sociology, as well as the concept of national culture, national characteristics, advanced foreign experience and so on. How will to show the children vivid life in the children’s work, let it become a reproduction of children real life as high-quality and rich of beauty? This requires analysis of the characteristics of the various kinds of works, choose the appropriate of artistic practices to dynamic show the children living,, Let the true aspects of children life to image show in the way of appropriate audience to watch and meet their aesthetic receiving psychological, this is the problems and responsibilities of the children’s director to need to focus on. However, in order to make the children work really for children, we need to make effort in various aspects, children’s director need to shoulder responsibility and the community should actively support to, as to make children acquire physical and mental development and sentiments mold from the works.

【关键词】 少年儿童题材电视文化社会化少儿本位
【Key words】 ChildrenThemeTelevision cultureSocializationChildrenbased
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

