

The Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures on Wushu Spread in Internet

【作者】 曹宇

【导师】 毛明春;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 民族传统体育学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 步入21世纪的第二个十年,我国互联网络体系越来越完善,网络也带来了越来越多的变化。随着武术的道德价值观、功能不断被认识、开发,媒体与武术的关系日益密切。网络已成为武术传播的重要空间之一,武术的传播网站日益增多,传播的信息量也逐步提升。网络传播在武术传播中的广泛运用,对推动武术的发展和创新无疑具有深远意义,网络传媒自身的特点也使其在武术传播过程中具有了不可替代的作用和独特优势。近年来,对于武术与传播之间关系的思考,已开始引起武术界的广泛关注,网络传播对武术信息传播的研究,成为武术界不可回避且具有战略意义的重要课题。目前,我国网络传媒的研究成果多集中于传播学界、新闻学界和经济学界。国内体育理论界对网络的研究多集中于对体育的网络教学的研究,对网络传媒的研究相对较少,对武术传播的研究则显得更为单薄。本文采用对比研究法、访谈法、内容分析法、焦点团体法、及查询记录分析法,从社会学、传播学、情报学的角度入手,分析了网络对中国武术传播的影响、问题和武术网站所存在的问题及建议。并根据问题提出了传播与网站平台构建的相应对策。结论:(1)网络传播打破了自然环境对武术的限制、改变了武术传统传授方式,也使武术理论发展达到一个新的层次。(2)随着中国武术网络传播的发展,网络文化也对传统武术文化造成了冲击和影响,新的武术文化空间正在逐步形成,高度互动的网络也正在推动着武术文化的变迁。(3)在中国武术的网络传播中,武术文化的缺失较为严重,在网站构建中需要加强文化板块的建设。(4)中国武术的网络传播体系还有待完善,民间武术网站发展较为混乱,其各自发展的状态使其自身独立,并没有很好的利用网络的连通性。而且无论官方还是民间武术网站都缺乏多语言系统,极大的限制了中国武术的全球化与国际化。(5)在中国武术的网络传播中,要充分发挥网络自媒体的优势,并通过网络主流媒体对舆论进行管理与引导,开创中国武术网路传播新局面。(6)需要建设一支高素质网络宣传队伍,加强对综合性人才的培养。(7)需加强中国武术网站的页面设计和用户体验,实现用户有效、高效、满意地获取所需信息的目标,加大对网站的关注程度,更好的传播中国武术。

【Abstract】 In second decade of21century, the Internet still develop highly in our country and bring increasing change. The moral philosophy and function of Wushu were progressed. The relation between medium and Wushu is increasingly close. The Internet has been the important means in the spread of Wushu. With the more and more Wushu websites have been set up, more and more information have been communicated and spread. The Internet medium have far-reaching signification to impel the development and innovation of Wushu. The characteristic Internet medium possesses irreplaceable effects and unique advantages in Wushu spread. In recent years, the thinking of relationship between Wushu and medium has been given attention attentions by Wushu world. The research of Internet medium of Wushu becomes the strategically important issues.At present, there are many researches of Internet medium in journalism, communication and economics and little in Wushu. This article based on sociology, communication and informatics, analyzed that the influence and development of network in Wushu spread, the problems of Wushu website and countermeasures with follow method:comparative method, interview method, content analysis method, focus group method and record analysis method.Conclusion:1. The Internet overthrows and changes the traditional impartment of Wushu, and impels the development of Wushu theory to a high level.2. Internet culture impacts the traditional Wushu culture. The new space of Wushu culture has been forming and developing.3. In Internet, the deficiency of Wushu culture is visible. And it need enhance culture block in Wushu website.4. The system of Internet of Wushu spread should be improve and perfect. The unofficial Wushu websites are chaos and develop without connectedness. And all of Wushu websites lack multi-linguistic system to reduce Wushu internationally.5. It needs enhance the we media and manage by mainstream media.6. It needs build a high-quality professional team with polytechnic talents.7. It needs improve the page design and user experience of Wushu websites to help user acquire the information easily and effectively and promulgate Wushu internationally.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

