

The Soviet Union and New China’s First Five-Year Plan

【作者】 景红霞

【导师】 宋晓芹;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 世界史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中国与苏联的关系错综复杂,在冷战的国际背景下,形成了资本主义与社会主义两大阵营,对于刚成立的新中国来说,鉴于发展的需要倒向了社会主义苏联,这直接或间接的影响到了中国政治、经济、文化的发展。总体来说在二十世纪五十年代双方以友好合作为主,并且“一五”计划就是双方友好关系的见证。“一五”计划从制定到实施,苏联都参与其中,提供援助,特别是经济方面的援助,使中国的经济得以恢复与发展、“一五”计划得以顺利完成、在国际政治上得以站稳脚跟。在新中国取得重大成就的同时也不可避免的产生了许多问题,其中最大的问题便是照搬苏联经济社会发展模式带来的后果,为中苏同盟进一步发展带来了阴影。文章分引言、正文、结论和参考文献等四部分。正文包括三部分,分别对新中国第一个五年计划的制定、实施以及影响的三个方面进行了详细的叙述。其中,第一部分,随着国际形势的发展和国内经济的恢复,制定“一五”计划发展经济成为刚成立.的新中国发展的迫切需要。在苏联的帮助和指导下,“一五”计划顺利出台。第二部分,在“一五”计划实施过程中,苏联提供了设备、技术、专家和贷款,并且通过合股经营的方式,帮助新中国发展经济。第三部分,“一五”计划的实施,使新中国经济在取得重大成就的同时,不可避免地沿用了苏联的经济模式,对中苏双边关系的进一步发展造成了影响。文章认为,“一五”计划对中国经济的发展有着重大的作用,其中苏联的援助对新中国的发展是利大于弊的,是值得肯定的。

【Abstract】 The relationship between China and the Soviet Union has been complex. Under the international background of the cold war, the world was divided into two camps that are the socialist and the capitalist. China, as a newly established power, stood on the socialist side, considering the need of its development. This choice affected the development of Chinese political, economic and cultural. Totally speaking, China and the Soviet Union were cooperating friendly with each other in1950s, and the First Five-Year Plan was the testimony of their relationship. The Soviet Union involved in all the progress of China’s First Five-Year Plan from its development to implementation. During this progress, the Soviet Union gave China lots of help, which contributed to the recovery of Chinese economy, and also made China standing firmly on international political stage. However, while great achievements had been made by China, a large number of problems were also produced inevitably. One of the biggest troubles was that the result by coping the Soviet Union’s economic and social development model. At the same time, it also had a negative influence on the relationship between china and Soviet Union.This thesis is composed of four parts which contains introduction, straight matter, conclusion and reference. Among these, the straight matter is divided into three parts which respectively illustrated The First Five-Year Plan’s development、implement and influence in detail. The first part explained the development of the economy is pressing for the new established Chinese power by establishing The First Five-Year Plan under the background of the development of the international situation and the domestic economic recovery. Than, The First Five-Year Plan is come on formally with the Soviet Union’s help. The second part elaborated Soviet Union’s help in The First Five-Year Plan’s implement, such as provided equipment, technology, experts and loans. At the same time, it also provided help by the joint ventures mode. The three part illustrated the negative impact by bring the Soviet Union’s economic pattern into China which is inevitably break the two sides’relationship more or less, China achieved great progress by the implement of The First Five-Year Plan. The thesis believes that The First Five-Year Plan has a profound influence to the Chinese economic development, and the Soviet Union’s help has more advantage than disadvantage which is affirmative.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

