

Study on the Effect of Ecological Rehabilitation Project in Lishan Shunwangping Subalpine Meadow, Shanxi

【作者】 陈姣

【导师】 张峰;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 生态学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 历山国家级自然保护区是山西省面积最大、物种资源最丰富的自然保护区,总面积24800hm2,被誉为“山西省动植物资源的宝库”。舜王坪亚高山草甸是历山国家级自然保护区生态系统的重要组成部分。本文应用数量生态学的理论和方法对历山舜王坪亚高山草甸生态恢复工程实施后的植物群落进行分类与排序、物种多样性和生态恢复进展的研究,分析了生态工程实施后群落物种的组成与结构、物种多样性与环境梯度变化之间的关系,以期为舜王坪亚高山草甸的保护和利用提供科学依据和理论基础。应用TWINSPAN分类软件,将舜王坪亚高山草甸草本群落200个样方分为14个群丛。综合样方DCA排序的结果,得出植物群落之间、群落与环境因子梯度变化之间的相互关系。不同海拔区域的群落优势种有显著差别。伴人植物的优势度表现出群落受干扰的程度,受干扰强度越大,伴人植物优势度越高。物种排序表现出与样方排序一致的海拔梯度变化,表明植物群落优势种的分布格局可以决定植物群落类型的分布格局。舜王坪亚高山草甸植物群落α多样性指数的测定和研究结果表明,生态恢复工程实施后群落多样性程度较高,伴人植物的影响变小,游径附近样带的多样性指数较高,表明铺设步道对减少人为踩踏干扰有着十分重要的作用。物种丰富度指数(R)随着样方与游径的距离变大,呈现升高的趋势。物种均匀度指数(E)各样带间差别不大,说明生态恢复工程后植被恢复情况较好。群落p多样性指数从海拔2100m开始表现出增加的趋势,到海拔2200-2250m处各指数值最大;随着海拔的继续增加,β多样性指数下降,这主要由舜王坪亚高山草甸面积较大坡度较小的地形条件特点所决定。在生态恢复工程实施之后,群落盖度明显增加,优势种数量增多,水土流失程度减缓。在下一阶段的恢复过程中,可以采取在重点区域改善土壤结构,增加适度生物干扰等措施。政府应加强对保护区的管理和监督,减少人为干扰对自然群落的影响。

【Abstract】 Lishan National Nature Reserve is the largest nature reserve with24,800hm2area totally and is known as "rich plant and animal resource in Shanxi". Shunwangping Subalpine meadow is one of the important components of the ecosystems in this nature reserve. The species diversity, classification and ordination of plant communities after the ecological rehabilitate project of Shunwangping subalpine meadow, were studied by the methodology of numerical ecology. Changes of community species composition, structure and species diversity with environmental gradients were analyzed to propose a scientific basis for the conservation and utilization of the subalpine meadow.Based on200plots from the field, Shunwangping subalpine meadow communities were classified into14associations by TWINSPAN. With the results of the DCA ordination, the dominant species were significant different distributed in the communities in different altitude gradient. Dominance of androphile reflected the degree of human disturbance. With the greater strength interference, androphile got the higher dominance degree. With a change of altitude, the dynamic of plots ordination corresponded well with the species ordination, which indicated that the dominant species in the distribution pattern could determine the distribution pattern of plant community types.According to the a diversity index measured of Shunwangping subalpine meadow communities, the level of community diversity was increased after the ecological rehabilitate project with an impact of androphile lessening. The diversity index of transects near the trail was higher than before, which demonstrated that the trail-laying played an important role in reducing the human disturbance. The species richness index (R) showed a rising trend with the increasing distance from plots to the trail. There was not a significant different for the evenness index (E) between different transects, suggested that vegetation restored well after the ecological rehabilitate projects. The β diversity index from2100m above sea level (a. s.1.) showed an increasing trend and reached the maximum at2200-2250m a. s.1, while the index deceased with the increasing altitude beyond2250m a. s.1. due to the large area with small slope topographic features.After the ecological rehabilitate project, the degree of soil erosion was controlled gradually and the community coverage (i.e. the number of dominant species) increased significantly. For the next step of the rehabilitate process, both of the soil structure change and moderate biological interference increase should be taken in some key areas. Besides, the strategies of management and supervision for the nature reserves need to be strengthened by the government, reducing human disturbance to the natural communities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

