

On Syntax and Semantics in Natural Language Logic Research

【作者】 李志恒

【导师】 毕富生;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 逻辑学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 逻辑学始于分析自然语言,逻辑学的发展必然导致创立形式语言,但是活生生的自然语言,永远值得从逻辑学的角度去探索、研究其新的问题。人们运用语言有一个是否合乎逻辑的问题。思维不能脱离语言,逻辑不能脱离语言,但二者仍有区别。在思维过程中,如果概念不清、判断失误、推理有错,就会影响思维的效果,话就说不好,文章就欠通顺。逻辑可以帮助人们正确的运用语言即兴表达,获得预期的效果。就比如英语和汉语,逻辑是最能体现二者异同之处。当人们处于不同的文化之中,如何表达自己所思所想,表达出来的方式也不尽相同。不同的文化背景,造就了这种不同,但是我们思考的能力和行为、运用的方法和方式、思考的过程都是同样的。正是由于文化和思维习惯的差异,在不同的语言方面存在很大的不同,如何避免由于欠缺逻辑分析而造成词不达意或盲目照搬造成表意不畅、歧义,是今后逻辑语义步研究和完善的动力。本文意在分析逻辑语义与各领域学科之间的关联。探索逻辑思维在各领域的应用和发展。

【Abstract】 Originated from the analysis of natural language, the development of logics will inevitably lead to the creation of formal language. From the point of view of logics, it is always worth to explore and study the new problems of living natural language. There is a question in using language that is whether or not it is logical. Neither thinking nor logic can be divorced from language, but there is difference between the two. During the process of thinking, with ambiguous concept, misjudgment and wrong inference, the effect of thinking will be affected; consequently, people always find their utterance fail to convey their ideas, and the sentences they make seem less flowing and fluent. However, with the help of logic, people can express themselves with language freely and achieve the expected effect. Take English and Chinese for example, the differences and similarities between the two languages become obvious when logic is taken into consideration. When people are in diverse cultures, the ways they express themselves are totally different, which can be attributed to different cultural backgrounds, despite that we have the same thinking ability, thinking methods and thinking process. Thus, the difference in language exists exactly in the differences of culture and thinking habits. It’s our motivation to further and perfect the analysis of logical semantics in order to avoid the wrong expressions for lack of logical analysis or inappropriate meaning because of blind copying. This thesis aims to analyze the relations between logical semantics and various disciplines, probe the application and development of logical thinking in various fields.

【关键词】 自然语言逻辑学语法语义
【Key words】 Natural languageLogicSyntaxSemantic
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

