

The Research on the Stability of Biped Dance Robot

【作者】 熊芳

【导师】 杨萍;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着机器人越来越向更智能化的方向发展,双足机器人的研究成为机器人研究领域的重要课题。双足舞蹈机器人属于娱乐机器人的范畴,它融合了机器人学、仿生学、动力学及控制理论等多种学科。双足舞蹈机器人无论在机械结构方面,还是控制策略方面,都有很宽广的研究空间。在查阅大量文献的基础上,本文对双足舞蹈机器人的稳定性问题进行了深入的研究。本文从双足步行机器人的稳定性出发,在经典稳定性理论的基础上,进一步讨论了双足机器人质量分布与稳定裕度之间的关系,及舞蹈机器人的稳定条件,分析了ZMP稳定性理论,并将ZMP稳定性理论应用到双足舞蹈机器人的稳定性研究中。引入双足机器人研究中常用的倒立摆模型和桌子-小车模型,对双足机器人进行近似化分析,并对比了这两种模型中ZMP点与质心的关系。本文建立了双足机器人的运动学模型,继而建立了机器人连杆结构简化模型,在杆件坐标系下,对双足机器人进行了正逆运动学分析。在理论分析的基础上,本文设计了实验来验证双足舞蹈机器人的稳定性,实验包括步行实验、侧步实验和舞蹈实验。步行实验中,机器人能按照设定的步态稳定的向前行走,但是步态很缓慢,而且步子很小。侧步实验中,机器人能完成三次循环,循环次数增多时,机器人会出现倾斜和晃动,甚至可能摔倒。舞蹈实验中,机器人能稳定的完成设定的各种舞蹈动作。双足舞蹈机器人的研究为双足机器人的进一步研究提供了良好的平台和可借鉴的经验。

【Abstract】 As the development of robot becomes more and more intelligent, the research ofthe biped robot has become an important issue in the field of robot research. Thebiped dance robot belongs to the entertainment robot. It combines many kinds ofdisciplines, including robotics, dynamics, control theory and so on. The biped dancerobot both in mechanical structure and control strategy has a very broad space forresearch. Based on references, in this paper, the stability problem of biped dancerobot is researched.In this paper, from the stability of biped walking robot, based on the classicalstability theory, the relationship of the weight distribution and the stability margin isdiscussed, and the ZMP stability theory is analyzed. The ZMP stability theory is usedto the research on the biped dance robot.The inverted pendulum model and table-car model are used for the approximateanalysis of biped robot, and the relationship of the ZMP point and the center of massin the two models is compared. The kinematics model of biped robot is established.And then the connecting rod structure simplified model is established. On the rodcoordinate system, the forward and inverse kinematics of biped robot is analyzed.Based on theoretical analysis, some experiments are used to verify the stabilityof the biped dance robot, including the walking experiment, the side step experimentand the dance experiment. In the walking experiment, the robot can move steadily inaccordance with the set of gait, but slow and small steps. In the side step experiment,the robot can complete three cycles. When the cycle number increases, the robot maytilt and swing, even possibly dump. In the dance experiment, the robot can dancesteadily in accordance with the set of gait.The research of the biped dance robot provides a good platform and the usefulexperience for the further research of the biped robot.


