

Heat Insulating Materials and Application of Large-scale LNG Storage Tank

【作者】 马小红

【导师】 陈叔平;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 制冷及低温工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 国民经济的快速发展,使得现代工业和民用领域对LNG的需求与日俱增,同时带动了LNG储运市场的发展,用于储存LNG的储罐容积也随之向大型化方向发展。LNG具有沸点低、汽化潜热小、易燃易爆等特性,为保证LNG不因吸热而大量蒸发消耗,必须采用有效的绝热方式以减少蒸发量,达到无损或减少损失的目的。大型LNG储罐绝热技术研究旨在为储罐高效绝热、节能降耗找到解决方案。对绝热材料的性能进行了分析,整理了常用绝热材料的制备方法、性能、优缺点、应用场合,阐述了大型LNG储罐对绝热材料的特殊要求,列举了部分满足要求但尚未投入使用的材料如VIP、EPS、XPS、二氧化硅气凝胶等。对大型LNG储罐从整体结构上做了阐述,重点对绝热体的结构、设计、施工要求进行分析,将绝热体分成三部分,顶部为玻璃棉,罐体为珠光砂与弹性玻璃棉的组合体、底部由珠光砂混凝土和泡沫玻璃砖组成。各部分的传热量分别计算。分析了储罐的绝热机理,给出了各部分传热的计算公式,对40000m~3大型LNG储罐的传热进行了理论计算和数值模拟,计算结果相差不大。表明一些复杂绝热体,精确的理论计算较困难,数值模拟具有简便、有效的特点。

【Abstract】 China’s national economy has developed at a high speed, which makes thedemands of modern industry and civil use for LNG are increasingly rising. Meanwhile,the markets for LNG storing and transporting have witnessed a great development andthe tank volume used for LNG storage is developing into large size accordingly. SinceLNG has the property of being low in boiling point,small in latent heat of vaporization,inflammable,explosive and so on, to ensure that LNG is not due to the endothermic tohave much evaporation and be consumed away,it is imperative that an effective wayfor heat insulation should be adopted with a view to reducing evaporation andminimizing the loss or no-loss. The insulation technology study on large-scale LNGstorage tank aims to get a solution for high-efficiency insulation and energy-saving.The paper analyzed and researched the performance of heat-insulating materials,and compiled the commonly used heat-insulating materials in respect of thepreparation method, the performance, the advantages and disadvantages and theapplication.It has expanded on the special requests of large-scale LNG storage tank forheat-insulating materials. In addition, it has enumerated some material that are up tothe requirements but not yet applied such as VIP, EPS, XPS, silicon dioxide aerogeland so on.The paper elaborated the whole structure of large-scale LNG storage tank. Whatcomes into the focus is the analytical study on the structure, design, construction gistsof insulation. The insultion consists of three parts,that is,mineral wool at thetop,assembly of elastic mineral wool and perlite for the cylindrical shell, and perliteconcrete and foam glass brick at the bottom. The heat transfer for the tank parts wascalculated individually.Based on the analysis of the mechanism of heat insulation and the formula ofthermal leakage in each part, this paper has made theoretical calculation and numericalsimulation to the heat transfer of large-scale LNG storage tank with40000m~3, andthere is a little difference for the two methods. It shows that accurate theoreticalcalculation is difficult for complex insulator, and by contrast, numerical simulation ischaracterized by simplicity and effectiveness.


