

The Research and Application of Building Integral Shitf with the Foundation

【作者】 杨巧红

【导师】 杜永峰;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目前我国大中城市正在进行城市规划建设,其中建筑物的整体移位是对于建筑物改造和纠正的有效方法。尤其一些新建的建筑和具有历史意义的建筑通过整体移位可以达到经济、环保和保护文物等作用。建筑物整体移位技术近些年来发展较快,但是针对具体的工程特点,建筑物移位过程也是不同的,还没有相应具有针对性的分析理论。本文对于在建建筑物带基础整体移位的平移和顶升过程结合实际工程进行了模拟分析。该工程相对于其他国内移位工程的特点在于:该工程为在建建筑且质量较大;其主体结构为剪力墙结构,基础形式为筏板基础,而在移位过程中,将筏板基础创造性的用作上轨道;采用液压千斤顶推力牵引机构,顶升千斤顶作为滑动支点。这项工程在国内较为罕见。根据结构尺寸建立ANSYS Workbench有限元分析模型,首先分析移位过程中下轨道梁的受力状态,得到本工程中下轨道梁承载力和刚度都可以满足移位过程的需要。进而针对移位过程进行分析,得到移位施工过程中,最大的应力、变形等响应都出现在该建筑物的筏板基础部分;移位过程中的最大加速度响应比该建筑物的抗震设计加速度小;建筑物由于左右两单元的平面内质量分布不完全对称的情况,在采用的液压悬浮式滑移系统的调节作用下,左右单位出现不超过4mm的竖向位移差不致影响移位的安全进行。在整个移位工程中筏板基础的竖向位移是施工过程中的监测的关键,本文中结合分析结果、结构移位自身的特点,列出了建筑物移位过程中和建筑物就位后可以作为结构受力状态的监测参数,为同类移位工程中的监测提供了一定的参考。分析建筑物就位后筏板基础的受力,为就位后可能出现沉降而需要再后期工作中监测的位置提供参考。比较移位前后结构的自振频率和周期,分析得到该工程移位后结构的模态参数变化很小,可见移位工程对建筑物的影响很小。综合计算分析结果,该工程的移位方案较合理。本文可以为实际移位施工过程提供理论参考。

【Abstract】 Recently, large and medium-sized city in our country are in city planning andconstruction program, which including building the overall shift to reconstruction andcorrection method. A few new buildings and the buildings has historic value canespecially be achieved the functions through integral displacement such as economic,environmental protection and the cultural relics protection. Building monolithicmovement technology has developed quickly in recent years, but according to thespecific characteristics of engineering, building translocation process also had thedifference, but there still has no corresponding targeted analysis theory.Combined with the practical engineering, this article analyzed the translationaland jacking process of the integral shift with the raft. Compared to other domesticshift, the engineering project is characterized in that: the project is still underconstruction when shifting; the main body structure is made up of shear walls, raftfoundation forms the basis, and the raft foundation used as the up track in the shiftprocess creatively; hydraulic jacks used as the thrust traction mechanism, jack as asliding pivot. This project is relatively rare in domestic.Analysis the engineering and obtain the maximum stress and deformationresponse appears in the raft foundation of the building partially in the process of theshifted construction. Combine static and dynamic analysis results and we can see thatthe acceleration response of the building in the shift process is less than the designingacceleration for seismic; besides due to mass distribution not completely symmetricalin the plane of two units of the building, occurs a vertical displacement differencewhich is less than4mm, reference to" Built (Structure) to Build the Shift TechnicalSpecification", the difference will not affect shift process. The vertical displacementof the raft foundation is the key point in the process of construction monitoring.Thisarticle aimed to get the maximum response location and provides the basis andreference for the actual monitoring. Simulation and analysis the stress anddeformation state of raft foundation of building after which had in place andcontinuing construction. As well as the whole structure, then gain results and whichconsistent with the" Building(Structure) to Build Technical Regulations" provisionsof shift. This is a better guide for actual shift and the monitoring.Check on the scheme of shift program, and we know it is a reasonable one.Analysis the static state of the raft foundation as the structure get the right place, sothat we can know the position where it might be settlements and need monitoring as the follow-up work starting. Compare structural self-vibration frequency and cyclebefore and after it shift, which performances the modal parameters of the structurechange is slight after the project shift, that shift engineering has visible slightinfluence on building. This paper can provide a theoretical reference for actual shiftprocess and provide.


