

Study on Seismic Design Method and Dynamic Performance of Space Steel Pipe Truss Structure

【作者】 王丹丹

【导师】 王秀丽; 吴永诚;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 钢管桁架结构是以网架结构为基础发展起来的一种新型结构形式,这种结构形式能更充分地利用材料的特性,同时能将人们对建筑物的功能要求、美观要求与经济效益完美地结合在一起,因此钢管桁架结构在世界范围内得到了广泛的应用,但是对钢管桁架的研究偏向于具体工程实例的研究,没有形成比较通用的设计计算方法,因此有必要对钢管桁架结构进行进一步的研究来满足新的需要。钢管桁架梁和钢管桁架拱是空间钢管桁架结构的两种主要形式,本文主要对这两种结构的动力特性、动力响应及水平地震作用下的简化计算方法作了较为系统的研究。为了得到钢管桁架梁和桁架拱的关键影响参数,为管桁结构的概念设计提供依据,利用模态分析,通过ANSYS有限元软件,分别对桁架梁和桁架拱的自振特性进行了分析,得到高跨比H/L、截面宽高比W/H和榀间距S对桁架梁、桁架拱的动力特性有一定的影响。进而利用振型分解反应谱法,分别对桁架梁和桁架拱在高跨比H/L、截面宽高比W/H和榀间距S变化下的桁架杆件轴力进行了参数分析。通过分析发现结构的高跨比H/L对桁架梁和桁架拱动力响应的影响最为显著。在进行钢管桁架梁的设计时,建议将梁的高跨比控制在1/28以内,宽高比控制在1/2.3以内,榀间距控制在4米以外,但榀间距不宜过大。在进行落地式钢管桁架拱的设计时,建议将拱的高跨比控制在1/28≤H/L≤1/8之间,宽高比控制在1/1.2以内,榀间距控制在4米以外,但榀间距也不宜过大。另外,定义水平地震影响因子K=水平地震作用下杆件最大轴力/对应杆件在静力作用下的杆件轴力。利用振型分解反应谱法,对钢管桁架梁和桁架拱在不同工程场地、不同地震分组、不同设防烈度下的水平地震影响因子进行分析,得到场地类别、设防烈度对桁架梁和桁架拱的K影响显著,而地震分组对K影响较小。当静力作用下的杆件轴力已知时,根据K可简单、方便的计算出水平地震作用下上弦杆、下弦杆、腹杆的最大杆件轴力。

【Abstract】 Being developed from grid structure, steel pipe truss structure is a new structural formthat can make full use of material properties, and combines with the requirements of function,beauty and economic benefits perfectly, because of this this structure is extensively applied inthe world, but the research for it tends to specific engineering examples, there is no generaldesign calculation method, so it is necessary to further study steel pipe truss structure. steelpipe truss beam and arch are two main forms of space steel pipe truss structure, this articlemainly conducts a systemic research of dynamic property, dynamic response and seismicsimplified calculation method for two forms.In order to get pivotal impact parameters of steel pipe truss beam and arch, whichprovides the basis for the concept design of steel pipe truss structure, separately conductmodal analysis for natural vibration property of steel pipe truss beam and arch by ANSYS.The conclusion is depth-span ratios H/L, section aspect ratio W/H, hinged spacing S havecertain effects on dynamic property of steel pipe truss beam and arch. And then conductvariable parameters spectrum analysis for dynamic response of steel pipe truss beam and archseparately and the variable parameters include depth-span ratio H/L, section aspect ratio W/H,hinged spacing S. We can get the conclusion that depth-span ratio H/L influences dynamicresponse of steel pipe truss beam and arch markedly. When designing steel pipe truss beam,depth-span ratio should be controlled within1/28, aspect ratio should be controlled within1/2.3and hinged spacing should be controlled outside of4meters, but hinged spacing shouldnot be too big. When designing steel pipe truss arch, depth-span ratio should be controlled inthe range0f1/28-1/8, aspect ratio should be controlled within1/1.2and hinged spacingshould be controlled in the range0f outside of4meters, but hinged spacing should not be toobig.Additionally, define horizontal earthquake impact factor=steel pipe’s max maximumaxial force under horizontal earthquake/corresponding steel pipe’s axial force under staticforce. Conduct a spectrum analysis for steel pipe truss beam and arch under different siteclassification, seismic intensity and earthquake group. The conclusion is that siteclassification and seismic intensity have markedly influence on K, and earthquake groupinfluences K unobviously. When the steel pipe’s axial force under static force is known, it iseasy to get top boom’s, lower boom’s and web member’s maximum axial force underhorizontal earthquake.

  • 【分类号】TU392.3;TU352.11
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】150
  • 攻读期成果

