

Power Customer Energy Eiffciency Appraisal Method and Application Based on OLAP

【作者】 李永祥

【导师】 杨新华; 王维洲;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 电路与系统, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电网公司信息系统建设的不断完善,对电力客户电能使用信息的分析和使用提出了更高的要求。经过多年的数据采集,目前电网公司拥有了大量电力客户电能使用的相关历史数据,这些数据非常的杂乱,缺乏有效的组织体系,电网公司只对这些数据做一些简单的、局部的查询操作,缺少对这些数据的深入分析。因此研究如何更加有效地分析这些历史数据,从中提取出深层次的有价值的能效信息,已成为客观需要。本文以联机分析处理(OLAP)技术为基础,针对电力客户设计了一套能效评估方法,并在能效综合评估系统的实际开发中予以应用。论文分析、研究了联机分析处理(OLAP)技术的国内外现状,介绍了现有的联机分析处理(OLAP)技术的特点、相关概念、以及基本工作原理,并对其适合于电力客户能效评估的特性做了详细阐述。分析了联机分析处理(OLAP)技术的基本工作原理,并以此为基础,结合企业进行能效评估和节能潜力查找的特点,设计了一种基于联机分析处理(OLAP)的能效评估方法,对电力客户进行了能效评估、节能潜力查找以及能效状态评估,提高了查找企业能源使用问题的客观性。以电力客户能效指标体系为依据,结合联机分析处理(OLAP)技术的下钻与上卷操作分析,研究并利用SQL Server2000、VB等软件构建系统,实现了查找节能潜力,评估客户整体能效状态的功能。最后将基于联机分析处理(OLAP)的能效评估方法应用到电力客户能效综合评估系统中,以某企业的能源数据为数据来源,实现了企业总体用能情况分析和节能潜力的挖掘,经过评估分析,系统评估结果较好的反映了该电力客户的用能情况,该系统具有一定的实用价值。

【Abstract】 As the construction of power grid Corporation information system continues toimprove, power on power customer use analysis and using of the information putforward higher requirements. After many years of data collection, currently has a lotof power grid company customers energy use of relevant historical data, these data arevery messy, lack of organization, power grid Corporation on these data only to dosome simple queries, local operations, lack of an in-depth analysis of these data.Study on how to more effectively analyze these historical data, to extract the valuableinformation on energy efficiency of deep, had become an objective need.In this paper, online analytical processing (OLAP) technology to design a set ofenergy efficiency assessment for electricity customers, and the actual development ofthe energy efficiency of a comprehensive assessment system to be applied.This paper analyses, studied the online analytical processing (OLAP) technologyresearch status at home and abroad, introduces the existing online analyticalprocessing (OLAP) technology, related concepts, characteristics and basic workingprinciple, and the suitable for electric power customers energy efficiency assessmentof characteristics described in detail.Analysis of online analytical processing (OLAP)technology, the basic working principle, and on this basis, combined with theenterprise energy efficiency assessment and energy saving potential of search features,based on the design of a online analytical processing (OLAP) of the energy efficiencyassessment methods, to electric power client for energy efficiency assessment,energy-saving potential of energy efficiency assessment to improve search and, theenterprise energy usage problems of objectivity.In order to electricity customersenergy efficiency index system as the basis, combined with online analyticalprocessing (OLAP) technology, and the upper operation analysis, research and the useof SQL Server2000, VB software system so as to realize the energy saving potentialevaluation of search, customer overall energy efficiency status function.Finally, based on online analytical processing (OLAP) of the energy efficiencyassessment method applied to electricity customers energy efficiency assessmentsystem, taking a corporate energy data as data source, realizes the enterprise overallenergy use and energy saving potential analysis of mining, after evaluation, systemassessment results reflect the power customer can use situation, the system has acertain practical value.


