

Attenuation Relationship for Acceleration Spectra in the Northeast Seismic Zone of China

【作者】 郑桐

【导师】 刘红帅;

【作者基本信息】 中国地震局工程力学研究所 , 岩土工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国“东北老工业基地振兴计划”的实施,东北地震区的建设工程数量规模大幅度增加、等级不断提升,其合理的抗震设防是减轻或避免建设工程震害和保障人民生命财产的有效手段。地震区划、地震小区划及工程场地地震安全性评价工作是确定不同等级工程的抗震设防水准的方法,而地震动衰减关系是上述三种工作的关键环节之一,其差别对地震动参数结果的影响较大。地震震源机制、传播途径和场地条件决定了地震动衰减特征,因此不同地区因地震构造环境的差异往往具有不同的地震动衰减规律。东北地震区地震安评工作直接采用我国东部的地震烈度和地震动衰减关系,可能与该区的地震动衰减特性不符,所以根据该区的实际情况,建立符合该区的地震动衰减关系,是非常必要的。本论文充分利用东北地震区的地震等震线资料和美国NGA的强地震动数据库,建立东北地震区的烈度衰减关系和美国西部的加速度反应谱衰减关系,选取已有的美国西部地震烈度衰减关系,基于转换法给出东北地震区的地震动反应谱衰减关系,具体工作包括:1.简要回顾了国内外地震烈度和地震动衰减关系的研究历程,重点总结了我国地震烈度和地震动衰减关系的研究现状,指出了建立东北地震区地震烈度和地震动衰减关系的迫切性和必要性。2.简单介绍了常用的最小二乘法、多随机变量统计回归方法以及加速度反应谱衰减关系的转换方法,确定了回归方法和转换方法的选取原则。3.收集整理了东北地震区的地震等震线资料,建立了东北地震区的地震烈度资料数据库,分别对震级和距离进行了分档,采用多随机变量的一致加权最小二乘法,统计给出了东北地震区烈度衰减关系,并与汪素云的中国东部的成果进行了对比分析。4.基于美国NGA数据库选取了美国西部的强地震动记录,分析了美国西部强地震动记录的样本分布特征;进一步筛选了美国西部的基岩强地震动记录作为回归数据集,分别对震级和震中距进行了分档,采用一致加权最小二乘法,统计给出了美国西部的水平向基岩加速度反应谱衰减关系,并与已有的成果进行了对比分析。5.沿袭转换法的基本思路,将美国西部和东北地震区分别作为参考区和研究区,基于Chandra(1979)的美国西部地震烈度衰减关系、本文的东北地震区地震烈度衰减关系和美国西部水平向基岩加速度反应谱衰减关系,利用I-R法给出了我国东北地震区的水平向基岩加速度反应谱衰减关系(阻尼比:5%)。

【Abstract】 Along with the implementation of ‘the plan of promotion Northeast oldIndustrial base’, the amount and scale of construction projects in theNortheast seismic zone increases largely, and the quality has been upgradedcontinually. The reasonable fortification against earthquakes is an effectivemeasure to reduce or avoid earthquake damage and safeguard people’s lifeand property. The seismic zoning, the earthquake microzoning and seismicsafety evaluation of engineering sites are the methods to certain the level offortification against earthquakes, of which attenuation relationship forground motion is one of key points. The differences between differentattenuation relationships for ground motion make vast effects to the result ofparameters of ground motion. The feature of attenuation relationship forground motion is determined by Earthquake source mechanisms, propagationpaths and site conditions. Different regions usually have different attenuationrelationship for ground motion, because of the diversities of geologicalstructures. The directly use of the attenuation relationship of intensity andground motion of Eastern China may course discrepancy with the feature ofground motion of our zone. Therefore, creating the attenuation relationshipof ground motion in accordance with the practical situation is necessary.In this thesis, isochronal line data of the Northeast Seismic Zoneearthquakes and the NGA strong ground motion database have been usedfully. The intensity attenuation in the Northeast Seismic Zone and theattenuation relationship of acceleration spectra in the western American areestablished. And then, the existing intensity attenuation relationship isselected. Based on the conversion method, the attenuation relationship ofacceleration spectra in the Northeast Seismic Zone is given. The concretework includes:1. A brief review of the domestic and international research processes ofintensity and ground motion attenuation relationships has made, andsummarized the research status of domestic intensity and ground motionattenuation relationships. And then, the urgency and necessity of establishingintensity and ground motion attenuation relationship in the Northeast seismiczone was pointed out.2. A brief introduction has been made for the common least squaremethod, multiple random variable statistical regression method and themethod of the conversion of researching the attenuation relationship foracceleration spectra. And then, the principle of choosing methods ofregression and conversion was fixed.3. Isochronal line data of the Northeast seismic zone has been collectedand arranged, the database of intensity material of the Northeast seismic zone was established, and the magnitute and the epicentral distance have beenweighted separately. With the method of multiple random variable statistiacalregression, intensity attenuation relationship in the Northeast seismic zonewas given, and a contrastive analysis has been made with the intensityattenuation relationship of Eastern China.4. Based on the NGA database, the recordings of strong ground motionhave been selected, and an analysis has been made for the featuredistribution of the strong ground motion recordings. And then, a further filterof the rock strong ground motion recordings was made to build theregression dataset. With the method of multiple random variable statisticalregression, the coefficients of attenuation relationship for response spectra inthe western USA were solved, and made a contrastive analysis with theexisted attenuation relationship.5. Following the basic thinking of conversion, the Western USA wasmade as the reference area and the Northeast seismic zone as the researcharea. Basing on the intensity attenuation relationship in the western USAmade by Chandra, the intensity attenuation relationship in the Northeastseismic zone and the horizontal rock attenuation relationship of accelerationspectra in the Western USA which were created in this thesis, using the I-Rmethod, the horizontal rock attenuation relationship of acceleration spectrawith the5%ratio of damping in the Northeast seismic zone of China havebeen given.


