

Study on Framework of an Earthquake Alarm Software Research Based on the Earthworm

【作者】 李丽

【导师】 于海英;

【作者基本信息】 中国地震局工程力学研究所 , 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 地震预警技术因其能在地震后的极短时间内发出地震警报,以此达到减灾的目的,因而其越来越受重视。美国、日本、墨西哥、土耳其等国家在地震预警方面的研究、开发、使用等都已相对成熟,已经建设相应的地震预警系统并成功得到应用,在以往的强地震中发挥了重要作用。中国大陆的地震预警研究刚刚起步,与国际先进水平相比还有很大的差距。中国的高铁、水坝、核电站等重大工程的地震报警系统是地震预警的重要环节,是迫切需要解决的课题。一般地,地震报警系统软件的框架研究是地震报警系统建设的核心技术。本文基于Earthworm平台,研究了适用于重大工程的地震报警系统软件的框架。具体的研究内容如下:1.通过大量阅读地震预警系统国内外研究现状及动态,分析了适合于我国重大工程的地震报警系统的需求。2.本文选取了5.12汶川地震的强震记录,采用长短平均比值法(STA/LTA方法)、线性最小二乘回归法、AIC准则方法(Akaike’sInformation Criterion)对P波到时的自动捡拾进行了研究。正常情况下,捡拾到P波精确到时后,如果加速度峰值>40gal时立即向潜在震源区报警(但还取决于网络传输的延迟);非正常情况下,不能完全排除噪声误报,需要进一步完善。3.分析研究了Earthworm平台的系统框架及其重要模块功能,在此基础上给出了地震报警系统软件框架。4.利用强震动记录和干扰事件,对京石武高铁地震防灾报警系统进行模拟实验测试和验证。结果表明,本系统能在地震波到达时发出有效报警;同时,能有效剔除一部分非地震事件的干扰。

【Abstract】 The technology of earthquake early warning which can give an alert in avery short time after the earthquake happened is taken more and moreseriously because it can achieve the goal of disaster reduction. Research,development, use of the earthquake early warning is already relatively maturein the United States, Japan, Mexico, Turkey and other countries, andcorresponding earthquake early warning system has been built and issuccessfully applied in the real life, which played an important role in the paststrong earthquake. The reseach of earthquake early warning in the Chinesemainland has just started, and it still lags behind the international advancedlevel. The alarm system of Chinses high-speed rail, dams, nuclear plants andother major projects is an improtant part of earthquake early warning, and it isa problem which is urgent need to solve. In general, the research of frameworkof the earthquake alarm software is the core technology of the construction ofthe earthquake alarm system. Based on the open source of Earthworm, theframework of the earthquake alarm software which is suited for significantprojects is studied in this paper. The research mainly includes the followingaspects:1. The needs of the earthquake warning system which is suited for Chinesesignificant projects is analysed by reading the status and development trend ofthe worldwide earthquake early warning system.2. In this paper, using the length of the average ratio method (STA/LTAmethod), linear least squares regression method and the AIC(Akaike’sInformation Criterion) methods, the5.12Wenchuan earthquake strong motionrecords are selected to study on automatic picker of the P wave. Under normalcircumstances, when the accurate arrival time of P wave is picked, an alarmwill be given to the potentially dangerous source region if the peakacceleration is greater than40gal (but also depends on the network transmission delay); under abnormal circumstances, the noise of falsepositives can not be completely ruled out, and further improvement is needed.3. In this paper, the architecture of the Earthworm system and its importantmodules are studied. On this basis, the framework of the earthquake alarmsoftware is proposed.4. Using strong motion records and disturbance events, testing and validationof earthquake disaster prevention and alarm systems is made using theexample of the Beijing-Shijiazhuang-Wuhan High Speed Rail. The resultsshow that this system can give an effective alarm when the seismic wavesarrive, and part of the interference of non-seismic events can also beeffectively removed.

【关键词】 地震报警EarthwormSTA/LTA方法AIC准则
【Key words】 Earthquake AlarmEarthwormSTA/LTA MethodAICCriterion

