

Primary Application of MAEviz’ Localization and Development of Its Parallel Algorithm

【作者】 白云峰

【导师】 金波;

【作者基本信息】 中国地震局工程力学研究所 , 测试计量技术与仪器, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 地震灾害所带来的损失是涉及到很多方面的复杂问题,所以,具体计算起来不可能十分的精确;但随着科技的不断进步,以及对减轻损失的要求的提高,就需要对灾害已经造成或可能造成的影响有充足的了解。这样对灾害的评定和估计也就理所应当的成为人们的研究对象,通过大量的数据计算和对比,不断完善评估的精确性和方法的合理性。然而,这些都需要基于计算机软件的开发和评估系统的架构;尤其是针对即时性地震发生后,想要根据评估的结果得到合理的震后应急措施,这就需要软件及系统拥有较快的运算速度和数据更新能力。本文就是关于一款美国现行的震害评估软件研究与分析,使其可以能够实现在国内的初步应用。本文主要包括以下的内容:一、首先介绍了震害评估的概念以及国内外的评估方法,并分析了国内外的差距;然后,示例说明国内外常用软件的情况和区别,回顾软件和系统的发展历程,体现出本文的研究意义和和价值。二、针对本文研究的主要软件,具体介绍软件的特点、性质和模块,对软件的具体功能做了详细的分析,并根据软件的源代码具体分析软件各个模块的构架流程和主要的编程思路,以便日后独立开发软件时,构建清晰的软件架构层次和优化的功能模块。三、由于本文的软件是源于美国的一款震害评估软件,故界面和对话框均为英文;通过不断的努力和测试将以上的内容转成中文,便于应用者的使用和提高工作效率,具体介绍了软件汉化的思路和过程,解析期间遇到的问题和解决办法,也为以后本地化应用类似软件积累了方法和经验。四、进行地震灾害评估首先要有相应的数据文件,不同软件对数据的要求也各有不同,而国内的一些数据往往不全面,故要进行细化和拟合;然后,根据软件的输入格式要求对数据进行加工,得到符合要求的数据输入和理想的数据输出。同时对比于国内现有的一些软件的评估结果,提出软件需要改进的方面。五、针对软件应用的范围,提出可能在日后改进的地方,考虑数据量大和运算速度快的特点,分析该软件在并行技术上的发展和展望,以及要实现上述目的的可行方法和方案。

【Abstract】 The damage from earthquake is the complex problem covered many aspects,so for the specific calculation, it may not be very accurate; But with progressingof science and technology, and improving of the requirement to reduce the loss,we need to have plenty of understanding for caused or possible effect of disasters.So and estimate for disasters is well-deserved becoming scientists’ researchingobject, by a large number of data computing and contrasting, and graduallyperfect the accuracy and rationality of the assessment method. However, all ofthese need to be based on the development of computer software and architectureof evaluation system; Especially for the real-time earthquake, if you wantreasonable earthquake emergency measures according to the evaluation results, itneed software and system having a faster speed and data updating ability. Thisarticle is about research and analysis for current earthquake damage assessmentsoftware in U.S., So that it can achieve primary application in the domestic.This paper mainly include the following contents:Firstly, I introduce the concept of earthquake damage assessment andevaluation methods at home and abroad, and analyze the gap between home andabroad; Then, take examples to illustrate the commonly software used at homeand abroad and their difference, by reviewing development process of softwareand system, reflect the significance and value of this paper.Secondly, according to the main research software in this article, presentsthe characteristics, nature and module of the software, the specific function ofsoftware to do a detailed analysis, and according to the source codes of software,analysis the architecture process and main programming mind of software’smodules, It’s convenient for developing software independently in the future, wecan have the clear hierarchy for software architecture and optimization functionmodules.Thirdly, because the software in this paper is originated from a earthquakedamage assessment software in U.S., so the interface and dialog boxes areEnglish; Through continuous efforts and test,the content above will transfer intoChinese, that facilitate local users and enhance work efficiency, by introducingthe thoughts and the process software localization, exhibit the problems foundduring the analytical and solutions. At the same time, we get accumulated methodand experience for similar software localization other applications.Fourthly, for earthquake disaster assessment, we must have relevant datafiles, the requirements for data of different software are also different, but somedata in domestic is often not comprehensive, so we have to detail and fit; Then,we should have data processed according to the requirement of input formats, sothat they can meet the requirements of data inputs and ideal data outputs. At thesame time, by contrasting evaluation results from domestic existing software, put forward improvement for the software.Fifthly, according to the application scope of software, figure out somepossible improvements in the future, and considering characteristic in the hugeamount of data and fast calculation speed, analysis development and outlook ofthe software with parallel technology, and give the feasible methods and solutionsto achieve this purpose.

【关键词】 震害评估软件汉化并行
【Key words】 earthquake damage assessmentsoftwarelocalizationparallel
  • 【分类号】P315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】66

