

Retrofitting Method on Collapse Resistant of Multi-story Masonry with First Story used as Shops

【作者】 衣华伟

【导师】 郭迅;

【作者基本信息】 中国地震局工程力学研究所 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 由于具有造价低廉,施工技术要求低等优点,砌体结构在我国大部分地区,尤其是中小城镇,得到广泛的应用。但由于砌体结构是采用脆性材料和砂浆两种不同性质的材料砌筑而成的,在随机、往复的地震力作用下,结构极易发生破坏,甚至倒塌,造成巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。我国南方底商多层砌体房屋存量很大,任何一个地区遭遇汶川那样的地震,后果都不堪想象。从汶川地震中榜样建筑那里学习成功的经验,用于加固既有底商多层砌体,是当前减轻地震灾害的最有效途径之一。本文在参考大量文献资料的基础上,分析了汶川地震中底商多层砌体结构的震害,提出了基于概念设计的“平衡刚度、增加延性”加固方法,并通过地震模拟振台对比试验对加固效果进行了验证。论文主要成果如下:1.总结了汶川地震中底商多层砌体结构的结构构造和震害特点。底商多层砌体底层相对空旷,临街侧(前)承重构件一般为混凝土柱、梁或加构造柱的砌体短墙,非临街侧(后)则多为普通砌体;在极震区该类房屋80%以上底层沿纵向倒塌。2.基于震害和构造分析,认为底层前后纵墙刚度差异大,致使水平地震荷载分配大小不均匀,纵墙被“先后而前”各个击破,而且砌体墙延性不足,开裂后在上部荷载作用下很快崩溃、倒塌。3.基于上述认识,提出了“前后纵墙平衡刚度、增加后墙延性”的加固方法,通过两组共四个底商砌体结构模型的地震模拟震动台试验,证明所提出的方法能显著提高结构抗倒塌能力。4.结合实际工程需求,将上述加固方法应用于某多层砌体医院的加固设计中。

【Abstract】 Due to the advantages such as low cost and low requirement of constructiontechnology, masonry structure has been popular for many years in China and a lotof developing countries. Because of the britle and low strength of material andcrude structural configuration, masonry is more vulnerable to earthquake. So it ishighly significant to take a thorough and broad study to improve the seismiccapacity of masonry structure especially the frame supported masonry structures.Based on large amounts of technical literature both abroad and domestic. Thispaper analyses the typical damage features of frame supported masonry structuresin WenChuan Earthquake and offers a strengthening method. Through shakingtable contrast test,the reinforcement effect is verified.The main works obtained inthis thesis are as follows:Firstly the structure construction and earthquake damaga features of framesupported masonry structures in WenChuan earthquake is analyzed.Ground floorof this kind of building is usually with large space,the main load bearingcomponent at the front is RC column,beam and masonry wall with constructionalcolumn,while the main load bearing component at the back is traditional masonrystructure.More than80%of this type of building collapsed in WenChuanearthquake. Based on the analysis of construction and earthquake damagefeatures,the main cause of collapse is the stiffness difference of the front and theback side.The masonry walls at the back side support much of the horizontalseismic force,and because of its low ductility,the walls collapse first then resultin the fracturing of the whole structure.And then, a retrofitting method to proveductility and balance stiffness is offered,through shaking table test,theearthquake-resistance capacity of three kinds of model,viz standard jointsmodel,bad joints model and reinforced model is compared,The conclusion is thatstandard structural joints may improve the ductility of structures,and decrease theprobility of collapse.By adding wing walls and flanking columns,the non-uniformrigidity of bottom frame is meliorated,and the collapse resistance capacity of thebuildings is improved.At last, in combination with the actual engineeringdemand,this method is used in retrofitting of a multi-story masonry hospital.


