

The "Book of Songs" Image of the Traffic Tools

【作者】 史晓燕

【导师】 艾春明;

【作者基本信息】 渤海大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 交通工具的主要功能是运输。它所运输的东西可以是实际的、能看见的,也可以是精神的、虚幻的。《诗经》时代的交通工具也不例外。《诗经》中的交通工具普通的,如舟、车,它们主要承担载人运物的重任。对于《诗经》中车这一意象,很少有人对与它形影不离的旗帜有所关注,其实,在《诗经》时代,出行建旗,随着使用者的身份地位和使用场合不同,他们所使用的车子和旗帜也不尽相同。因此,《诗经》中的某些诗篇就以旗帜来暗示车子的出现和乘车之人的身份地位。《诗经》也有特殊的交通工具,如周人祭祀时,用于祭祀的牺牲和尸,还有周人在日常生活中所采摘或喜爱的一些东西,它们是人和神、人和人在思想、精神上的沟通交流的媒介。这些交通工具源于周人生活,让周人生活更加丰富多彩,它们在不同的场合所承载的作用和思想感情也不尽相同。《诗经》中的交通工具意象反映了《诗经》时代的物质文化和精神面貌。《诗经》中各种交通工具交相呼应,使得《诗经》时代的交通工具意象精彩纷呈。

【Abstract】 Image research is the "book of songs" an integral part of the study of, about the "book ofsongs" image of the research works a lot, but no one from traffic tools this Angle to studythem. Traffic tools, is mainly for the transportation function. Its transportation of things canbe is practical, and can see, also can be spiritual, unreal. The age of the book of songs traffictools of transportation things is no exception. The "book of songs" is the reality of the vehicletraffic tools-car, boat, they pull people mainly for the goods responsibility. For the "book ofsongs" of the car image, few people to and it was like peas and carrots have been concernedabout the flag, in fact, in the age of the book of songs, travel built flag, with the user’s statusand use different occasions, they use the car and flags are also different. Therefore, the "bookof songs" to some of the psalm is to flag to suggest to the car’s appearance and the status ofthe bus."The book of songs", also have the real traffic tools, such as zhou ancestor worship,sacrifice for the sacrifice and corpse, and weeks in production when people work picking orsome of the things you love, they are god and in ideology, spiritual communication andexchange. These vehicles from weeks people life, let weeks people live more rich andcolorful, they carry on different occasions the thoughts and feelings of the role and are not thesame. An era of literary works is a reflection of The Times spirit, the "book of songs" of thetraffic image reflects the "book of songs" era of material culture and spirit."The book of allkinds of traffic tools in photograph echo, makes the age of the book of songs traffic toolsimage of brilliant.

【关键词】 《诗经》交通工具感情文化
【Key words】 " book of songs"traffic toolemotionsculture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 渤海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

