

TV News Media Coverage of Events in Legal System

【作者】 张融冰

【导师】 时宇石;

【作者基本信息】 渤海大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 从2009年的“艾滋女事件”到2011年的“药家鑫事件”,电视媒介对此类事件的报道层出不穷,不难发现,此类事件有一个共同特征,即事件的某个细节已经涉到法律领域内,故可称为法制事件。电视作为最具市场竞争力的媒介之一,对法制事件的报道是必要的,也是合法的。电视媒体的报道,一方面可以满足公众知情权的需要,宣传法律知识,弘扬法治精神,另一方面,公众也可以通过新闻媒介去监督司法活动,防范司法腐败。然而,电视媒介在对法制事件进行报道时,经常会出现对法制事件的干预性,主观性,不当性报道和评论,直接损害了司法形象,影响司法独立,降低司法权威。尤其是对法制事件的过早介入报道易形成“媒介审判”,失去司法公正。此外,在如今的电视媒介对法制事件的报道中血腥、暴力画面过多,易引起受众心理恐慌,一些作案细节描述的过于细致,易引起青少年模仿,为社会治安增添不安因素。因此,电视媒介从业人员要不断加强自身的专业及法律素养,尊重司法特性,明确自己的身份与角色,在对法制事件进行报道时,要坚持以正面报道为主的原则,客观真实,积极促进电视媒介报道法制事件的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 From2009" AIDS girl incident" to the2011" medicine Xin event", TV news media for such events in the intervention reported emerge in an endless stream, it is not difficult to find, such events have a common characteristic, namely the event a details have been involved in the legal field, so it can be called as legal events.Television as the most competitive one of the media to report, legal events intervention is necessary, it is legal. TV media coverage, one hand to meet the public’s right to know, the promotion of legal knowledge, promote the rule of law, on the other hand, the public also can pass through the news media to supervise the judicial activity, prevent judicial corruption.However, TV news media reports, often appear on the intervention of legal events, subjectivity, inappropriate sexual stories and commentaries, direct damage the image of justice, judicial independence, judicial authority effect, reduce. Especially for the early intervention of legal events reported easy to form the" media trial", losing the judicial justice. In addition, in today’s TV news media to legal events reported in bloody violence, too much, easy to cause the audience psychology panic, some details of the crime described too detailed, easy cause teen imitation, for social security add disturbing factors.Therefore, the television news media professionals to continuously enhance their professional and legal accomplishment, respect the judicial characteristics, clear their identities and roles in the legal system, the events were reported, to adhere to the principle of positive reports, objective truth, and actively promote the TV news media reported the event to the sustainable development of legal intervention.

【关键词】 电视媒介法制事件
【Key words】 the medialegal events
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 渤海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

