

The Exploration of Poetry Text Interpretation in High School Chinese Teaching

【作者】 曹文生

【导师】 赵宏梅;

【作者基本信息】 渤海大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是诗歌的王国,诗歌历经千年绵延不断,其中所蕴含的精神与文化已深深地内化在民族的血液中。高中语文教材中,诗歌所占的比重很大,诗歌作为一种付诸心灵、情感涌动的艺术形式,必须让其所具有的陶冶学生情操、涵养学生心灵的功能在诗歌文本解读中得以体现,然而面对着“解题—作者—时代背景—诗歌结构—意象分析—主题思想—写作特点”机械化的解读,诗歌所蕴含的韵味被消解的荡然无存。审视高中语文教学中诗歌文本解读诸多问题产生的根源,是应试教育所追求的“功利化”“标准化”的思想在作崇。在这个张扬个性,注重人的发展的时代,人作为教育的根本存在,高中语文教学中诗歌文本解读的目的也得从关注应试教育转移到关注人自身上来。在关注人的时代里,诗歌文本解读就得从解读的内容、解读的思维、解读的方式等多方面着手去重新审视诗歌文本解读,让诗歌文本解读真正从涵养学生心灵等多方面出发,让诗歌文本解读焕发出新的活力,让学生的内心不再荒漠,到处涌动着情感的洪流。因此诗歌文本解读不仅仅是诗歌文本内容的简单传达,应该注重学生自身的主动参与,引导学生回归到诗歌文本本身,抓住诗歌外在形式来分析诗歌文本的形式美,从诗歌内在的意象、意境等来剖析诗歌文本的审美特性,从而使学生能够在内外两方面来欣赏诗歌文本的形式美、意象美、意境美,进而提高学生的审美情趣与审美品味,从优秀的诗歌文本中感受到文化的洗礼与熏陶,铸就学生优秀的精神品格。

【Abstract】 China is a kingdom of poetry. Over the continuous development of thousands of years,the spirit and culture contained in the poetry have been deeply internalized in the blood of thenation. Among the Chinese language textbooks for high schools, Poems share a largeproportion. As an art form of putting to the soul and emotion surging, the poetry must reflectits characteristics of cultivating students ’sentiments and conserving students’ mind in theinterpretation of poetic text. However, facing with mechanized interpretation of poetry, suchas the subject understanding-author-historical background-text structure-image analysis-the theme-the writing features, the poetry’s own charming is disappeared. Looking at poetrytext interpretation in high school, there are many problems, among which the pursuit of"utilitarian" and "standardization" play an important role in the examination-orientededucation. In this individuality, focusing on the human development era, for humans as afundamental existence of education, the purpose of poetry text interpretation has to transferfrom exam-oriented education to human themselves. In the era of focus on human, Poetry textinterpretation have to re-examine the poetic texts from many perspectives, such as from theinterpretation of the content, the thinking and the ways, so that the poetry text interpretationcan really conserve students’ mind, can be full of new vitality, and can be full of surgingflood of emotion in student’s mind. Poetic texts interpretation not only conveys poetry textcontent, but should focus on students’ active participation, and guide the students to return tothe poetic text itself, to seize the external form of poetry to analyze the formal beauty of thepoetic text. Analyzing the aesthetic features of the poetic text from the internal imagery, mood,etc., students can appreciate the formal beauty of the poetic text, image and mood, so as toraise students’ aesthetic taste, to develop their spiritual character by feeling the culture ofbaptism and nurture from the poetry text.

【关键词】 诗歌文本解读语文教学文本策略
【Key words】 PoetryText interpretationChinese teachingTest strategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 渤海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

