

Research on Control Strategy for Three-phase Voltage Source SVPWM Rectifier

【作者】 崔总泽

【导师】 巫庆辉;

【作者基本信息】 渤海大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 一直以来,影响电力系统稳定运行的主要因素就是谐波污染,其危害体现在影响电力传输的质量,产生谐波损耗,严重的降低发电和用电设备的效率。随着电网中各种电力电子设备的不断增加,谐波的污染问题日益严重。因此,迫切需求高效的控制方法,使电力系统中的谐波污染得到有效的治理。高效节能对经济效益具有重要意义,电力系统传输过程中低损耗以及电能的高质量传输都是近些年研究的热点,其中涉及到功率开关的开关损耗与谐波都是处理此类问题的关键性的着手点,从控制与结构两方面入手,相继出现多种相应的控制方法,随着研究的不断深入,控制效果也越来越明显。本文以电力系统传输过程中的整流逆变过程为例,整流过程选用三相PWM整流器为研究对象,逆变过程选用永磁同步电机为负载模型,均采用空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)方式,从系统仿真结果来看其具有能够输出电压可调,功率因数可控等优点,此外还能够保持网侧电流正弦化,实现能量双向流动。文中采用电压电流双闭环反馈控制方式,直流侧电压与参考电压作比较,PI控制器输出参考电流与直流侧反馈电流经坐标变换后做比较作为空间矢量的参考输入量,用以控制功率开关装置;针对电力系统非线性、强耦合的特性,以永磁同步电机为负载,采用磁场定向控制策略实现转矩电流与励磁电流的独立控制,无功功率部分给予零参考输入,实现网侧单位功率因数。通过仿真实验验证分析,空间矢量思想应用于电力系统中能够有效地降低谐波影响,使得交流侧电压电流同相位,直流侧能够快速跟踪给定电压参考,通过解耦控制策略实现了有功、无功独立控制,高效地解决了因系统中非线性元件所带来的谐波损耗,有效降低高频开关损耗,以及提高了直流侧电压的利用率。

【Abstract】 The primary factor influence the stable operation of power system is the harmonicpollution which including reducing the quality of power transmission, bringing theharmonic losses, seriously reducing the efficiency of generate electricity. With theincreasing of a variety of power electronic devices, harmonic pollution is increasinglyserious, the efficient control method is of important to economic benefits. Lowerlosses and higher quality are both the hot point of research in recent years. Reducingthe losses of power switch and eliminating harmonic pollution are key point for us tofocus on so as to find the solutions in this field, Methods which were created fromcontrol and structure aspects are of important to further researcher.In this paper, the SVPWM rectifier which has the advantages of adjustable outputvoltage is introduced, it can be used to control power factor, make the grid currentapproach to sine wave by voltage and current double closed-loop feedback control.Torque current and excitation current are controlled separately by field orient controlstrategy for non-linear load, zero reference input is given to reactive power part inorder to achieve unity power factor.The validity has been testified by the simulation results, the harmonic pollution hasbeen reduced, the voltage and current in AC side have the same phase. That is, theunity power factor is realized. on the basis of vector control strategy and the theory ofSVPWM, the simulation model platform has advantage of well response, low loss andhigher utilization of DC source. The control method bring so many advantages, andmore benefits will be emerged with constantly further research in this field.

【关键词】 PWM整流器SVPWM解耦控制矢量控制
【Key words】 PWM rectifierSVPWMDecoupling controlSpace vector control
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 渤海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

