

The Evolution and Development of Agricultural Familiesin the Eastern and Westernzhou Dynasties

【作者】 徐铭

【导师】 李亚光;

【作者基本信息】 渤海大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 两周时期农业家庭的演化发展经历两个时期,即西周、春秋中期以前、春秋中期以后至战国时期。春秋时期是承前启后的阶段,所以在两个时间段的划分上都有体现。西周至春秋中期以前的农业家庭的经营发展状况主要体现在:农业家庭的生产基础、农业家庭的组织模式、农业家庭的生活依靠和人口流动、农业家庭的思想意识等这四个方面。通过对这四个方面的分析和总结,笔者认为这个时期的劳动者是游离于家庭之外的单纯劳动力,农夫、农妇各自以力役形式服务于王田、贵族田地和公家的手工业作坊;名义上的农业家庭实际上只是一个储备劳动力的组织,以家庭为单位的生产劳动并不多见;家庭组织虽然形成,但是关于农业家庭的丰富内涵尚在发展完善之中。农业家庭发展到春秋后期,特别是战国时期,具有了小农经济的意义。战争、变法、宗法观念等因素促使农业家庭向较高阶段转化,转化的表现在于家庭内部的一些变化:男女分工的相对固化、家庭意识的强烈、手工业者和士等析出家庭等,以上这些变化既与外部因素共同影响农业家庭的转化,又是小农经济形成的重要表现。

【Abstract】 The evolution and development of agricultural families in the Eastern and Western ZhouDynasties experienced two periods-the Western Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn periodand the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. The Spring and Autumn period wastransitional, so it was reflected in both of these periods.The agricultural families’ management and development condition in the WesternDynasty and the previous intermediate Spring and Autumn period mainly manifested in fouraspects: agricultural families’ production base, agricultural families’ organization pattern,agricultural families’ life dependence and population movement and agricultural families’ideology. Through the analysis and summary of these four aspects, the author thought that atthat time, the labors who dissociated the family were pure labor force, the farmers and peasantwomen served the farmland of royal families and aristocrat paddies in the form of corveerespectively. In fact, the agricultural family in name was only a reserve labor forceorganization and the productive labor in the unit of family was unusual. Although the familyorganization had formed, the rich connotation about the agricultural families was stillunder-developed.The agricultural families in the Warring States period had the small peasant economymeaning. The factors such as war, political reform and patriarchal concept all urged theagricultural families to a higher stage. The performance of the transformation was shown inthe family interior changes: the relative solidification of the divided work between men andwomen, intensive family sense and the separation of the handicraftsmen and gentlemen fromthe family and so on. These changes with the external factors, the important expressions of theform of small peasant economy, influenced the agricultural families’ transformation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 渤海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

