

The Research on Ideological and Political Education of New Generation Peasant Workers

【作者】 徐绮晗

【导师】 周方遒;

【作者基本信息】 渤海大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 现阶段,我国社会进入了转型期,城市化步伐加快,利益分配格局发生变化。新生代农民工的问题既反映了社会发展的曲折性,又体现了思想发展的时代性。新生代农民工作为一个数量庞大的特殊群体,思想上既表现出时代的先进性也表现出自身的局限性,在为城市的经济建设做出巨大贡献的同时,也面临着一些思想上的困惑,新生代农民工思想问题的产生是城市化过程中出现的必然现象。要解决这些问题,迫切需要思想政治教育的积极介入,及时解决新生代农民工思想上的困惑。新生代农民工的思想政治教育具有复杂性和多变性,并且具有强烈的时代感和群体感,如何形成一种关于新生代农民工体系性的思想政治教育是研究的新方向。因此,文章以新生代农民工为主要研究对象,综合运用文献研究法、比较分析等方法,并在借鉴以往关于新生代农民工思想政治教育方面的资料的基础上,分析了新生代农民工与老一辈农民工的差异,总结了新生代农民工在思想上具有两面性、边缘性、发展性、时代性的特点,找出其思想上存在的问题,分析问题出现的原因,并着重的从优化新生代农民工思想政治教育的环境,丰富以社会主义核心价值体系教育、民主与法制教育、心理健康教育为主的新生代农民工思想政治教育的内容,探索以整合社会教育资源、依托非政府组织、网络传播为主要方式的新生代农民工思想政治教育的新途径,并从新生代农民工自身的主体意识的建立、法制观念的强化、继续学习意识和社会责任感的培养等方面提出对策,试图建立一种体系化的新生代农民工的思想政治教育,力图对新生代农民工的思想政治教育问题进行具体的、更深一步的探讨,以求为新生代农民工的思想政治教育提供一些建议和支持。

【Abstract】 At present, our country society has entered into the transition, the pace of urbanization,interest distribution pattern change. The new generation of peasant workers’ problem hasreflected the faltering of social development, and embodies the thought of development time.The new generation migrant workers as a huge number of special group, the thought showedboth the advanced nature of time also shows a own limitation, for the city in made greatcontribution to the economic construction, but also faced with some ideological confusion, newgeneration migrant workers thought the problem in the process of urbanization is the inevitablephenomena appear. To solve these problems, the urgent need to ideological and politicaleducation of involvement, and solve the peasant workers thought the new generation ofconfusion. In this kind of situation, some scholars believe that the new generation of peasantworkers’ ideological and political education to the new generation of peasant workers’psychological problems to solve the ideological and political education in the first place, stressedself ownership; Some scholars believe that the new generation of peasant workers’ ideologicaland political education on The Times, highlight the socialist core value system of education; Thenew generation of scholars for migrant workers ideological and political education of the perfectmade a lot of valuable advice, but the new generation of peasant workers’ ideological andpolitical education has the complexity and variability, and with a strong sense of The Times andgroup feeling, how to form a new system of rural migrant workers on the ideological andpolitical education is of the new direction of research.Therefore, based on the new generation migrant workers to the main research object, theintegrated use of documentary research, comparative analysis, and in referencing past theideological and political education about new generation migrant workers of material, and on thebasis of the analysis of the new generation of older generation and the difference of migrantworkers migrant workers, summarizes the new generation in the thought of migrant workers hastwo sides, marginal, development, the characteristics of The Times, find out the thoughts on theexisting problems and analyze the cause of the problem, and emphatically from the optimizationof the new generation of ideological and political education environment of rural migrant workers, rich with the core value system of socialist democracy and the legal system education,education and mental health education as the new generation of ideological and politicaleducation of rural migrant workers content, explored to integrate social education resources,relying on non-governmental organizations, network communication as the main way ofideological and political education of new generation migrant workers new way, and from thenew generation peasant workers’ subject consciousness, the establishment of the concept of legalsystem of strengthening, continue to study consciousness and the social responsibility ofcultivating put forward the countermeasures, try to set up a new generation of peasant workers’style of ideological and political education, trying to the ideological and political educationCenozoic migrant workers problems of concrete, the deeper discussion, in order to for the newgeneration of peasant workers’ ideological and political education to provide some advice andsupport.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 渤海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

