

Preliminary Studies on the Benthos from Deep-sea Hydrothermal Fields in Indian Ocean and East Pacific Rise

【作者】 王建佳

【导师】 林荣澄;

【作者基本信息】 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所 , 海洋生物学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 深海热液活动和热液生物研究是目前国际海洋研究的热点之一,为了探索深海矿产以及生物资源,中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会成功组织了多个深海热液调查航次。2009~2010年大洋科考第21航次的深海热液调查工作取得了丰硕成果,其中在西南印度洋洋脊发现一处非活动热液区以及一处推测热液活动区,在东太平洋海隆发现一处热液活动区。本文依托大洋科考第21航次在印度洋以及东太平洋海隆进行的热液调查工作中获得的15个站位的沉积物和生物样品,对其中的底栖动物群落进行了生态学和分类学方面的初步研究,主要结果如下:1.在印度洋调查区(4个工作站位)共检出6个小型底栖动物类群,其中线虫为最优势类群,占总个体数的88.93%,其次为桡足类,占8.28%;其他类群的个体数量都很少。小型底栖动物群落平均丰度、平均生物量(干重)和平均生产量(干重)分别为43.02±43.24ind/10cm2、35.76±25.22μg/10cm2和321.86±226.99μg/10cm2/a。站位21V-S25-TVMC1与其余三个站位在丰度、生物量和多样性上明显不同,推测采样区域可能受到热液活动的影响。2.在东太平洋海隆调查区(11个工作站位)总共检出17个底栖动物类群,其中小型底栖动物9个类群,大型底栖动物7个类群,巨型底栖动物11个类群。调查区的小型底栖动物群落多样性偏低(H’的平均值为0.3977),以线虫为个体数第一优势类群,桡足类为第二优势类群,其它类群个体数所占比例均不足1.00%。站位21III-S18-TVG14为我国发现的热液活动区,其小型底栖动物群落的多样性明显高于其它站位。3.从形态学角度描述和鉴定了东太平洋海隆新发现热液喷口区的部分巨型底栖生物样品,包括地区新纪录种嗜热深海偏顶蛤Bathymodiolus thermophilusKenk&Wilson1985,壮丽伴溢蛤Calyptogena magnific Boss&Turner1980以及Sericosura属的海蜘蛛,对各自属和种的分类情况进行了探讨,并初步认定海蜘蛛样品Sericosura sp. I和Sericosura sp. II为新种。

【Abstract】 Studies on deep-sea hydrothermal activities and hydrothermal lives have been one of themost interesting topics in international marine researches, and in order to explore the deepsea mineral and biological resources, COMRA (China Ocean Mineral Resources R&DAssociation) successfully organized many deep-sea hydrothermal survey voyages. During2009~2010,many great achievements were obtained in the deep-sea hydrothermal survey ofChinese DY115-21expedition, finding an inactive hydrothermal vent and an inferred activehydrothermal vent in Southwest Indian Ridge, and a confirmed active hydrothermal vent fieldin East Pacific Rise. This paper analysed the sediment and fauna samples of15sites collectedfrom the hydrothermal fields both in Indian Ocean and East Pacific Rise (EPR) during theChinese DY115-21expedition to preliminarily study the ecology and taxonomy of thesebenthic communities. The main results are as followed:1. Six meiobenthos groups were distinguished for samples from sites of Indian Ocean(four stations). Nematode and copepoda were the dominant group in the communities, with88.93%and8.28%of the total benthos in individuals, respectively, but the other groups arefew. Average abundance, biomass (dry weight), and production of meiobenthos is43.02±43.24ind/10cm2、35.76±25.22μg/10cm2and321.86±226.99μg/10cm2/a,respectively. Our results showed that abundance, biomass and biodiversity of21V-S25-TVMC1station was significantly different from those of the other three sites,and we speculated that hydrothermal activites may be reponsible for it.2. Seventeen benthos groups were distinguished for samples from sites of EPR (elevenstations), in which meiobenthos had nine groups, macrobenthos seven groups, andmegabenthos eleven groups. The diversity of meiobenthos community was low (the mean ofH ’ is0.3977) and the meiobenthos community was mainly dominated by nematode, andfollowed by copepoda. The abundance of the other groups was extremely low, accounting forbelow1%of of total benthos in terms of abudance. Site of21III-S18-TVG14was aconfirmed hydrothermal vent found by China and biodiversity index was higher thanthose in the other sites.3. We identified several megabenthic groups sampled from a new hydrothermal vent of EPR based on the morphological traits, including Bathymodiolus thermophilus Kenk&Wilson1985, Calyptogena magnific Boss&Turner1980and pycnogonids of genusSericosura, and discussed the taxonomy in the level of genus and species. On the basis, weprelimarily concluded that Sericosura sp. I and Sericosura sp. II are new species.


