

Chinese City Image and Tourist Development Research of "Eight Sights"

【作者】 廖丹

【导师】 李小波;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 “城市意象”理论是美国著名城市规划学家凯文·林奇于上世纪50年代提出,成为了西方城市规划的经典理论,并极大的影响着西方城市规划的潮流,“城市意象”,提出城市的“可读性”和“可意象性”,代表城市意象的五大元素是:道路、边界、区域、节点、标志物。凯文·林奇用最简洁的系统图语构建出一个城市的Image。凯文·林奇的城市意象理论对中国城市十分具有启发意义,在当今城市规划中,学习西方的现代规划思潮,而对中国传统的人文思想与规划结合不够,明清以来,普遍形成的“八景”是对中国古代城市文化的完美诠释。八景普遍代表了城市的历史传承和地理格局,一座古城在变迁过程中,将积淀下来的精粹浓缩于“八景”之中,形成了人们对古城的完整印象,本文率先提出“八景”是“中国式城市意象”的理念,并结合四川的国家级和省级历史文化名城进行研究,试图对凯文·林奇《城市意象》的中国延伸,提出本土化的解读和规划意义。本文首先阐述了八景的起源和演变,八景的文化内涵,通过对比西方城市理论,提出了八景与“中国式城市意象”构建的基本框架和基本特征。然后根据《中国地方志集成》文献资料,对四川古城八景进行了较为详细的梳理,分别从八景中的山川形胜、八景中的城市结构、八景中的社会心灵诉求、八景中的名人与胜迹、特殊的城市八景进行了详尽的分类分析,同时,对四川最典型资州八景进行了深入的图文剖析。在资料充分占有基础之上,分析了四川八景资源的旅游现状,从“八景”的古迹恢复、“八景”的符号化展示、新八景的评选和项目的融入四个方面,总结了八景旅游资源开发的具体思路和方式,最后,结合笔者参与的旅游规划项目,对松潘城市的八景旅游项目打造,提出了具体的规划构想和项目创意设计方案。

【Abstract】 “city image”theory is setted by kevin lynch, who is a famous American city JCP in 1950s. It became a classical western city planning theory and effects western city trend.”city image”informs the“readablity”and“intention”,the 5 factors of the city are: road, border,area,node and marker. kevin lynch organised a city image with simplest picture. City image theory of Kevin Lynch can inspire chinese cities a lot.In the city planing today, we tried a lot to learn western style, but forgot to combine it with Chinese tradition. Since Ming and Qing Dynasty,“eight sights”are the perfect explanation of Chinese traditional city culture. Eight sights symbolized the history and geography of the city. The changing of the ancient city concerntrate classical into“eight sights”, formed a complete image of the ancient city. In this text, the writer pointed“eight sights”should be“chinese city image”, and combined this with national and provincial historical and cultural city, try to extend <city image > wrote by kevin lynch, pointed that the local explanation and the meaning of planning.In this text describes the origin and the changing of“eight sights”, the meaning of eightsights, pointed the base of“chinese city image”and eight sights through comparing this with Western city theroy. Then according to the material from“China local material”, sort out the Sichuan acient city eight sights in details, analysize the eight sights from shape,city function, mind, famous people,special city eight sights. What’s more, describe Scihuan Zizhong eight sights as typical. I analysize the Sichan eight sights material through the complete material with recovering,logo show,electing and project, summarize the idea and way. At last, compined with the project I participate, pointed out the way to change Songpan city.


