

Young Teachers in Secondary Vocational Schools of Job Burnout

【作者】 伍鹏

【导师】 李江源;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 教育管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 进入二十世纪后,世界的发展速度越来越快,现代人的生活节奏越来越紧张,这给人们的身心健康带来很大的损害。美国教育界的研究结果表明:“大量热情、有理想并乐于奉献的中青年教师正在遭受职业倦怠的威胁,很多人逐渐或者已经放弃了自己的工作转向其他行业。这种职业倦怠正在严重影响着中青年教师,如果不能够得到有效改变,那么就会造成比较严重的后果”。2004年12月,新浪网与中国人力资源开发网等国内知名新闻媒体在全国范围内进行了一项关于职业倦怠的调查,调查结果显示:中国各行业正在遭遇严重的职业倦怠危机,参与调查人员中,70%以上的职业人员都感受到职业倦怠的困扰,以公务员、教师和医疗人员最为严重。其中,遭受职业倦怠危机的教师比例高达50.34%,可见,教师职业倦怠危机的解决是迫在眉睫的问题。目前我国正在如火如荼的进行教育体制改革,中职学校的青年教师正处于教育环境和教育对象不断变换的境况中,因而在此过程中很容易产生心理压力及遭受挫折。处于这种变幻的教育环境中,很多青年教师把握不好自己的状态,产生厌倦的心理,对职业发展感到困惑,遭受挫折时也会非常失落。教师的这种迷茫感很有可能直接导致他们厌教、不敬业、保守、懒散,同时也会因职业倦怠而对学生不负责任,教学质量降低。中等职业学校中的青年教师职业倦怠的危机直接影响着我国人才培养的质量以及社会经济的进步。在新的历史时期,探讨青年教师职业倦怠产生的原因,并针对原因找出相应的对策,是我们需要考虑的问题。本文以进行了相应改编的吴真、赵子真等编制的《中等职业学校教师职业倦怠量表》作为研究工具,对眉山地区某中等职业学校的绝大部分青年教师进行了问卷调查和个别访谈,初步探讨了目前眉山地区某中等职业学校青年教师职业倦怠的现状;分析引起和影响他们职业倦怠的因素;从而提出预防和缓解中等职业学校青年教师职业倦怠的对策。

【Abstract】 The development of the world is becoming faster and faster during the twentieth century, and the rhythem of modern life is also getting more and more nervous, which hurt theirs physical and mental health.The research of American educators’result shows that "a number of enthusiasm, has ideal and dedicated young teachers are suffering from occupational tiredness threat, many people gradually has abandoned his work to other fields.This kind of occupational tiredness may serviously effect young teachers.if can not be changed, it may cause serious consequences”.In December 2004, www.sina.com and China human resources development nets or many domestic famous news media conducted a survey about the occupational tiredness, it shows that: many Chinese job fields are suffering serious occupational tiredness crisis, more than 70 percent of the people who were reserched has occupational tiredness,especially the civil servants and teachers and the medical staff.Among them, teachers’percentage up to 50.34% ,which prove the solution of teachers’ occupational tiredness crisis is looming problem”. At present,our country is being carried out in vocational education system reform, the young teachers are in constantly changing circumstances of education environment and education objects. so it is easy to produce the psychological pressure and suffer setbacks in this period. In this changes of education environment, a lot of young teachers are out of control and produce tired of psychological, have the confused feeling of career development,feel frustrated when they may fail. Teachers’confusedness is directly likely to make the teachers are tired of job, lazy or conservative. Futhermore, it will lose the responsibility for students or decrease the quality of teaching level.The crisis of young teachers’job burnout in secondary vocational schools influences the quality of professional training and progress of social economy directly. In the new history,we need to consider studying the reasons for young teachers’job burnout and finding some countermeasures according to the reasons.Basing on the book‘the measurement table of teachers’job burnout in secondary vocational schools’by Wu Zhen and Zhao Zizhen, the author made a questionnaire survey among most young teachers in one secondary vocational school.After probing into the present situation of young teachers’burnout in the econdary vocational school and analysing the factors which caused and influenced their burnouts,the text has put forward some countermeasures to prevent and relieve the young teachers’burnouts in secondary bocational schools.

  • 【分类号】G715.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】255

