

【作者】 陈丽

【导师】 马正平; 许书明;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 写作,是每一个现代人必备的基本能力,更是人类社会传递信息、交流思想、传播知识的手段,其重要性不言而喻。从杜甫的“文章千古事,得失寸心知”,到奥地利小说家卡夫卡提出的“写作是人生可以退守的最后一个自由的堡垒”,都可以看出写作的重要性。因此,在中学教学中帮助学生提高写作技能、培养良好的写作习惯显得极为重要。然而,老师难教、学生难写,已成为当今作文教学中必须面对的客观现象。原因何在?本课题将通过对当前中学作文教学现状作出分析,探究学生是否的确“无话可写,无话可说”;结合《新课标》理念、写作相关理论和实践经验,尝试从生活入手,探求生成写作材料的有效途径,为新时期中学写作教学提供可资借鉴的方法;培养学生非构思性写作的习惯。以达到“我手写我心”,实现学生由“无我之文”到“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”的心理和思维的转变。本论文以对当前中学作文教学状况的基础性调查为基础,综合了浙江、山东、安徽、江苏等地的实践报告以及本人在一定时间内从事该领域教学工作的实践经验,结合了该领域的国内外相关论著以及心理学、写作学、教育学等等理论,分析和思考了中学写作中存在的问题,为进一步研究中学作文教学中的材料生成奠定了一定基础。

【Abstract】 Writing is not only necessary basic ability, but also means of human society to exchange ideas, information and knowledge, its importance is self-evident. From our poet du fu says " Good writings may last a thousand years. Who knows the author’s smile and tears?", to Austria novelist kafka proposed "writing is the last bastion of freedom that life can withdraw ",we can see the importance of writing. Therefore, it is extremely important to help students to improve writing skills and cultivate good writing habits in the middle school teaching.However, it is difficult to teach for teacher and write for students, which has become the objective phenomenon in composition teaching today.so this paper will be based on the current situation to make analysis and explore whether that "no words can write, speechless" in the high school teaching of composition; Combining with the new standard of concept, writing related theory and practice experience, try starting from life, to explore the effective way of generating writing materials ,and offer reference for writing teaching and to cultivate the habits of writing idea. In order to achieve "my heart" and realize that the students write by "I am not text" to "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, pear blossoms".The basic survey of writing teaching in high school,the practice report of Zhejiang,Anhui,Shandong and Jiangsu and the writing teaching exerience of my own are the three main sources of this thesis.Combined with the treatise on writing teaching,psychology and pedagogy,this thesis is analysing the problem of writing in high school.It lay the foundation for the further study into how to collect material in writing teaching in high school.

【关键词】 中学写作教学材料生成写作理论试验
  • 【分类号】G633.34
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】99

