

Adjective Research About Complete Ci-poetry of the Ming Dynasty

【作者】 孙露

【导师】 管锡华;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《全明词》是一部明代词总集。饶宗颐初纂、张璋总纂,2004年由中华书局出版发行。这套全集式的明词集共收录明代词家约1400人,词作约19000首,是收录最全面,最完整的明词集,为明词及整个词史的研究,提供了一部较为完备的明词总集。汉语词汇系统到明代已经基本进入稳定状态,白话文开始大量使用,同时西方近代文化不断传入,使汉语词汇更加丰富。研究明词,可以说是了解和掌握明代语言特色的一条捷径。本文通过对《全明词》中的一种词类——形容词作全面描写分析,研究和总结形容词在语音形式、结构特点和句法功能等方面的特点,从而试图揭示明代词汇的特点及规律。本文共分为五个部分:第一部分是综述,主要介绍明词形容词的研究价值及形容词的判定标准。第二部分是单音节形容词,主要从出现频率、构词能看、语法功能三方面分析单音节形容词的特点。第三部分是复音节形容词,将复音节形容词按语素分成不同类型,然后分别进行描写分析,总结其特点。第四部分是形容词的活用,主要介绍《全明词》中形容词活用的一些情况。最后是总结部分,通过纵向和横向的比较,总结明代形容词蕴含的特点和规律,从而论证近代汉语词汇的特点。

【Abstract】 Complete Ci-poetry of the Ming Dynasty is a collection of Ming Dynasty Ci-poetry. Written by ZongGu.Rao and Zhang.zhang. Published by the Zhonghua Book Company in 2004.This complete type of Ming Dynasty Ci-poetry, were recorded about 1,400 poets and approximately 19,000 poems in Ming Dynasty.It is the most comprehensive and complete Ci-poetry of the Ming Dynasty.It is provided a more perfect set for Ci-poetry of the Ming Dynasty and the study of Ci-poetry of the Ming Dynasty historyChinese vocabulary system has been into stable basically from Ming Dynasty, vernacular in large quantities and modern Western culture Been introduced at the same time make Chinese vocabulary more rich. The study of Ci-poetry of the Ming Dynasty is a shortcut to understand and grasp the language features of Ming DynastyThis article through to a comprehensive description ,analysis , study and summarize phonetic form, structural features and characteristics of syntactic function of Adjective——a part of speech in Complete Ci-poetry of the Ming Dynasty,to find out the Characteristics and rules of the vocabulary of Ming DynastyThis article is divided into five parts:The first part is a review.Introduced the Research value and Criteria of adjective in Ci-poetry of the Ming Dynasty.The second part is Single-syllable adjectives. Analysis of the characteristics of single-syllable adjectives from appearing frequency, word-building, grammatical functionsThe third part is the tremolo section adjectives.Put the tremolo section adjectives separated by morpheme, description,analyzed and summarizing the characteristicsThe fourth part is the attempt using of adjectives. Mainly introduces the attempt using of adjectives in Complete Ci-poetry of the Ming Dynasty Finally, the conclusion. By comparison of vertical and horizontal, summarize the characteristics and patterns in adjective of Ming Dynasty, to demonstrate the characteristics of Modern Chinese Vocabulary


