

【作者】 杨雪

【导师】 韩万斋;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 什么叫“流行”?什么叫“传统”?这一似乎极为简单的问题,随着人们对音乐审美观念的不同,“专业”与“非专业”的严格划分,“好”与“坏”的绝对定位而变得复杂起来。而“复杂”的根源实际上就是对音乐本质的认识与理解的差异。先秦古人对音乐的理解,可谓是形形色色、五花八门。但深究其对音乐本质的理解,便会发现他们之间并无大异。音乐的本质是什么?就是以音乐(音响)这种特有的形式表现人类无限丰富的内心情感、感情生活、所处的社会环境等,故音乐既不应囿于人间自定的“礼”,也不应束缚于人世之外的“天”。而这种理解同样在李贽音乐美学思想中得到了充分体现——他的以人为本、以心为本,凸显了人的主观能动性,尊重了人的主体价值。本文在全面探讨并理解李贽的音乐美学思想基础上,纵向选择具有代表性的历史时期进行分析研究,从历史考证的角度找出它与音乐广为流行根因的契合点——所谓“流行”与“传统”是难以剥离的,而“流行”随着时间的变化而变化,留下的仍是“传统”的延续。同时本文还将力求探寻一种较全面、平衡的音乐“流行”审美标准,尝试为音乐“流行”的审美找出一条“既不庸俗、低俗、媚俗,又不高高在上的思路”。本文前四章论述李贽音乐美学思想的“流行”因素的存在以及辩证地探讨“传统”与“流行”的关系,并基于此,在结语阐述了李贽音乐美学思想对未来音乐的启示。

【Abstract】 What is "popular"? What is "traditional"? This seems a very simple question, as people of different musical aesthetic, "professional" and "non-professional" in the strict division of "good" and "bad" absolute positioning and more complicated. And "complex" is actually the root of understanding of the nature of music and understanding differences.Pre-ancient understanding of music can be described diversely and variously. But get ting to their understanding of the nature of music, we will find no great difference between them. The essence of music lies in the particular form of sound to display complex human inner emotions, spiritual lives and societies, so music shouldn’t be limited into the human propriety as well as the Supreme. However, the theory of Li Zhi emphasizes on the humanity, which focuses on the human initiates and values. This paper intends to explore Li Zhi’s musical aesthetics. On such basis, the author chooses the representative historical events chronically and analyses the essence of his theory——the tradition and popularity are inseperate, the popularity changes along the time but it still remains the spirit of tradition. Besides, this paper intends to explore a complete and unbiased aesthetical standard that find a invulgar and common criterion to measure the popular music.This paper has four chapters to discuss the existence of the element of popularity in Li Zhi’theory and the relationship between the tradition and popularity dialectically. In The last chapter, the author discusses the revelation of Li Zhi’s theory on future music.


