

Poetic Criticism: on the Literary Criticism of LiangZongDai

【作者】 罗惊环

【导师】 唐小林;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 梁宗岱拥有诗人、翻译家和文学批评家的多重身份,在诗歌创作、诗歌翻译和诗歌理论三方面都取得了一定的成就。纵观梁宗岱的一生,其成就以文艺评论和文学翻译为主。作为文学批评家,梁宗岱著有文论《诗与真》、《诗与真二集》及几篇未结集出版的质量颇高的批评文章。他批评实践的主要对象是诗歌理论、诗人作家论,并旁及美术、美学和学术研究等领域。本文从广义的文学批评出发,以梁宗岱诗歌创作、文学理论及译介活动为考察中心,通过对梁宗岱文学批评的具体研究和分析,对其文学批评的特点和意义进行梳理、归纳和总结,发掘其文学批评的价值,并指出其局限。绪论部分综述了梁宗岱研究现状,指出了本文的研究价值和研究方法。第一章概述梁宗岱的文学批评实践,并对其文学批评的对象进行分类梳理。着重论述其象征主义诗论和纯诗理论的内涵。第二章通过文本细读,阐述梁宗岱文学批评所蕴含的审美自主意识、宇宙意识、现代意识和天才意识等核心观念;从独特的批评方法、诗化的语言风格和充沛的情感三方面,具体剖析了梁宗岱“走内线”的诗化批评特征;并从批评话语的身份认同,“比兴”、“情景论”等中国传统诗学,“象征主义”、“纯诗理论”等西方诗学等方面,厘清了梁宗岱文学批评观的成因。第三章探讨梁宗岱文学批评的意义和局限。指出其比较文学的视野,平等对话的胸襟、汇通中西的学养,在形成其独特、鲜明的文学批评风格方面所产生的重要作用,以及其不可复制的个人经验与批评话语,对于当今批评界的深刻启示,同时指出其诗化批评的可能性及其限度。结语部分总结了全文的主要观点,并对梁宗岱的文学批评遗产,如何在当代文学中得到继承和发展,使之焕发出持久不衰的生命力,略陈管见。

【Abstract】 Liang zongdai has poet、translator and literary critic of multiple identities,who has made some achievements in the three aspects of poetry creation、poetry translation and poetry theory. In Liang zongdai’s whole life, his main achievements are literary criticism and literary translation.As a literary critic, Liang zongdai wrote the literary theory of“poetry and truth”、“Poetry and Truth II”and several critical articles which is not compiled and published. His main target of criticism are poetry theory、theory of poet authors and involved the fields of art、aesthetic、and academic research etc. From general literary criticism, This paper is at the center of poetry creation、poetry translation and poetry theory to observe and study, through the specific research and analysis of Liang zongdai’s literary criticism to comb、summarized and concluded the characteristics and significance of his literary criticism, to explore the value of his literary criticism and point out its limitations.The preface summarises Current Status in research of Liang zongdai , points out the research value and research methods of this paper.The first chapter summarises practices of literary criticism, classifies and combs the object of literary criticism. Especially focuses on the content of symbolism poetics and“pure poetry”theory.The second chapter through Close Reading to elaborate the core concepts of aesthetic self-consciousness、Cosmetic spirit、Modern consciousness and genius awareness in Liang zongdai’s literary criticism; to specifically analyze the features of Liang zongdai’s“go inside”poetic criticism from the three aspects of special criticism、poetic language style and abundant emotion; to Clarify the causes of Liang zongdai’s literary criticism from the identify of criticism, the Chinese traditional Poetics of“metaphor and analogy”and“feeling and scenery theory”and the western poetry of“Symbolism”、“theory of pure poetry”etc.The third chapter discusses Significance and limitations of Liang zongdai’s literary criticism and points out the important affects on the style of literary criticism from aspects of Perspective of comparative literature, equal dialogue of mind and academic of support Western and China, Apart from this, it has profound enlightenment for current critics through his Personal experience which can not be copied and critical discourse, while points out the possibilities and limits of his poetic criticism.The Conclusion summarizes the main points of this paper,apart from this,has the preliminary analysis of Inheritance and development on heritage of Liang zongdai’s literary criticism In the contemporary Chinese literature and how to make it have enduring vitality.

【关键词】 梁宗岱文学批评诗化批评
【Key words】 Liang ZongdaiLiterary criticismPoetic criticism

