

Anxiety and Search for Identity

【作者】 谢玉露

【导师】 欧震;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 基兰·德赛、裘帕·拉希莉、阿兰达蒂·洛伊三位都是年轻的当红印裔女作家,虽然她们的作品并不多,但每部作品一出版就受到了文学界、媒体界的多方关注,并分别获得了英国文学布克奖、美国图书奖等多个奖项,因此在世界文学界尤其是西方国家迅速走红。由于三位作家都是生活在异域的印裔女作家,她们都出生和成长在美国和英国这些西方发达国家,但同时她们又有着母国文化的背景,虽然生活在异域,但从小在家庭中接受的还是印度传统的文化教育,对本土国的历史、文化、风俗、政治等多个方面也在不断的关注,但同时,又面临着强大的西方文化对她们思想的渗透和移植,因而这就决定了她们看问题和思考问题的视角点与方式将会与先前的众多著名的印裔作家有所不同。先前的印裔作家大多都是出生在印度的作家,却以男作家居多,如拉什迪、福斯特、奈保尔等,虽然他们也是常年旅居海外,生活在英美等欧美国家,但毕竟他们从小接受的都是传统的印度文化教育,母国文化对他们的影响要远远深于这三位女作家,因此在这些男作家的作品中,更多的是在探讨殖民与后殖民语境中印度的众多问题。而对于这三位印裔女作家来说,她们身处于西方和东方两大文化阵营的夹缝中,让她们体会最为深刻的就是身份问题对她们的困扰。身份问题可以说是一个老生常谈的话题,任何一个移民作家都面临着身份上的诸多困惑,然而,在这三位作家的作品中所关注的问题却有着极大的特殊性,首先从关注的区域来看,是全球所热点关注的南亚地区。其次,三位都是出生在欧美的女性作家,这就决定了他们与先前印裔作家关注的视角点的不同。其次,对这一问题的探讨具有着非凡的现实性意义,而且这三位作家对于如何来解决众多移民的身份问题又做了更为丰富的探讨,并提出了她们的一些宝贵见解。虽然身份问题本身是复杂而庞大的,但在三位作家的作品中,她们侧重探讨了性别、种族、文化身份这三个与她们自身密切相关的问题,并由此隐射了作者自我在这几个方面的身份困惑。在《失落》、《疾病解说者》、《微物之神》、《同名人》这四部作品中,印裔女性的性别意识、身份问题可以说是她们都共同关注的问题,而在德赛《失落》和洛伊《微物之神》当中,由于印度本国根深蒂固的种姓等级制度、以及殖民历史等众多因素而造成的印裔人民种族身份上的困惑则是这两部小说重点探讨的问题,拉希莉则把视角点放在了处于多元文化背景之中的印裔人民面临的文化身份上的纠缠与折磨,并提出了自己充满智慧的见解。因此,这就是三位作家和她们的四部作品的研究价值所在。

【Abstract】 kiran Desai, Jhumpa Lahiri and Arundhati Roy ,three popular writers who are young Indian women, during their short Literary Career, although their works are not too much, but each one have been paied enough attention when published by all around the world literary circle, multi-media industry concerns, and has obtained the British literary Booker Prize, American Book Award and other awards, after that their works became popular rapidly in the world literature circle, especially in Western countries.As the three authors are Indian writer living in foreign land, and brought up in the United States or the United Kingdom, but they have deeply home cultural background. Although they live in a foreign land, but grew up in the family that has traditional Indian culture and education. They always care about country’s history, culture, customs, political and other aspects, but at the same time, they face a strong ideology of Western culture on the infiltration and transplant. In this case, their horizon way of thinking or points are totally different from many well-known Indian writers. Most of the earlier famous Indian writers similar with these three woman are born in Indian and mostly are males, such as Salman Rushdie, Forster, Naipaul and so on. They are also perennial expatriate, living in the UK and other European countries, but after all, when they are young to accept traditional Indian culture and education, home country influence on their culture is much deeper than these three writers. Most of these male writers’books are explored many problems of India between colonial period and post colonial period. For the three Indian women writers, whom in the Western cultural squeezed Eastern cultural, so that they understand the most profound is the identity issues .Identity issues always be a common theme, any immigrant writers will face with a lot of confusion, however, there is a huge particularity in their books. First of all, the point of view they concerned are the world’s attention which is the area of South Asia; secondly, three women writers are born in the United States and Europe, which determined their concerns different from the previous Indian writers; thirdly, the reality of the extraordinary significance for many immigrant status to resolve the issue and do a more extensive discussion, and they made some valuable insights. Although the identity of the problem itself is complex and huge, but in their books, the focus of their gender, race, cultural identity of these three closely related with their own problems, and thus imply the authors in this self- aspects of identity confusion.In the Lost, Interpreter of Maladies ,God of Small Things,The namesake four works, the Indian women’s gender consciousness, identity are the common concern by them, and in Desai’s Lost and Loy’s God of Small Things, which due to their deep-rooted in Indian’s caste system, as well as a number of factors such as colonial history, Indian people caused by the confusion of ethnic identity on the two novels is the focus issue. Lahiri put points on the perspective of diverse cultural backgrounds are among the Indian cultural identity struggle and torment, and put forward their own ideas of wisdom. Therefore, it is four three writers and their works of value.

【关键词】 性别种族文化身份印裔女作家
【Key words】 genderethniccultural identityIndian writers
  • 【分类号】I106.4
  • 【下载频次】328

