

【作者】 王夏秋

【导师】 杨小锋;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 词汇教学在对外汉语教学中所占据的重要性已经被越来越多的人所认识,对韩国学生的词汇教学与欧美国家的留学生有很大的不同,教学中出现的难易点也大为不同。由于受中国文化、汉字影响较大,韩语有很多的汉字词,这部分汉字词在两个不同的社会环境和两种不同的语言体系中,由于多种因素的影响,在词义、感情色彩、搭配范围、词性等方面发生了改变,形成了同形异义词。在对韩国学生词汇教学中同形异义词这部分词语是一个难点。韩国学生由于受母语的负迁移影响,常常忽略这部分词语在汉语与韩语中的差异,导致用词的错误,影响正确理解和表达。因此对韩汉语词汇教学除了要遵循一般的教学规律和方法外,还需要更适合韩国学生的词汇教学策略。本文在已有的研究基础上,选取一部分同形异义词进行定性、定量分析和对比分析。本文对照“‘对韩汉语教学用词表’总表”、《现代汉语词典》从《汉语水平词汇等级大纲》中甲级、乙级共1593个同形词中选取双音节的同形异义词162个,其中同形部分异义125个,同形完全异义37个。本文将这162个同形异义词作为研究的对象。本文的研究主要分三个部分:第一部分为韩语与汉语中的同形异义词对比分析,包括其形成的原因,及韩语与汉语中同形异义词词义的对比分析。第二部分为对韩汉两语中同形异义词使用的偏误分析研究,偏误材料的来源主要为本人在教学实例中出现的一些偏误的收集。这部分对同形异义词产生偏误的原因做了研究分析。第三部分也是本文的重点部分,是韩语与汉语中的同形异义词的教学。本文从同形异义词词义的释义、词汇教学方法、以及词汇的练习几个方面分析同形异义词的教学。

【Abstract】 The importance of vocabulary teaching is known by more and more people. Chinese teaching for Korean, European and American student is different. And the difficulty level is different during Chinese teaching. There are many Chinese-character-words in Korean because of the influence of Chinese culture. This part of Chinese-character-words are in two different social environments and two different languages, and changed in word meaning, emotional, using range and the parts of speech aroused by many factors, and then it formed homographs .Homographs’teaching is a difficulty in vocabulary teaching for Korean student, because of the influence of their mother language, Korean students always ignore the difference of homographs, that makes them use these words improperly and eventually having difficulty in making a proper communication in Chinese. So we should research a proper method for vocabulary teaching for Korean students.Basing on some achievements, combining qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis and comparing analysis, based on the 1593 homographs, which are formulated by Chinese roots and morpheme with innate affixes, from the words of class A and class B in《HSK words class syllabus》, this paper selects 162 dissyllabic homographs from“vocabulary of Chinese teaching for Korean student”and《Modern Chinese dictionary》.This 162 homographs include 125 perfect homographs and 37 imperfect homographs. This paper contains three parts. The first part is the homographs comparing in Chinese and Korean and the cause reason analysis of homographs. In the second part will be given some examples of improperly using homographs and the reason for that. The examples are collected by the writer during Chinese teaching activity. The third part is homographs teaching and it is the key part of this paper. This part discusses in homographs meaning explaining method, homographs teaching method and homographs practice.

  • 【分类号】H55;H195
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】536

